Darryl Crane
As February gets closer people in Golden have started getting prepared for one of the biggest weekends of the year.
For the seventh year in a row, preparations are under way for the Masque Costume Ball (starring The Boom Booms) on Feb. 15 and the Snow King’s Masque Parade on Feb. 16.
“It is really exciting to think this is our seventh year and there are some children in Golden who have never experienced life without the mask parade. They have been coming every year now and for them it is a tradition,” said Director of Kicking Horse Culture, Bill Usher.
Usher explained that the weekend has become a town tradition for people of all ages in the area.
“The Masque Costume Ball will be very exciting with The Boom Booms playing. I have seen them before and they are a great party band. It is the weekend for valentines and at a Masque Costume Ball everyone gets dressed up and goes a little bit nuts.”
He added that there could be a few surprises for people at the events.
“This year our planning group is really trying to bring in some new things. We have a great group together. You will see some stuff at the pageant that you have never seen before,” Usher said.
One of the things people can take part in before the event is dropping by the Snow Kings Play House on 9th Avenue North.
Again this year the local Amuse Troupe will also be taking part in the weekend.
“The Amuse Troupe will be a big part again this year and we are proud to see how much they have grown. They will be playing a major part in the ball and pageant,” Usher said.
Joyce DeBoer
Snow King volunteers
As we approach the arrival of the Snow King and Lady Spring on Saturday, February 16, we wanted to make certain that people knew about a few of the changes that we are implementing this year:
1. The programme at Spirit Square (the masqueParade around the bonfire) will begin at 7 p.m. sharp so that we can use the darkness to show off the lanterns and firelight to full advantage. Arrive at 6:45 to find a spot to watch.
2. The two big puppets (the Snow King and Lady Spring) will not be leading the parade along the woodland trail this year. We do hope to have the trail lit up with lanterns again, although this will depend on finding volunteers to set up and take the lanterns down. Why not follow the path to the Spirit Square on your way to the festival activities? Then join us for a little more fun in front of the post office afterwards.
3. We would like people with strollers to find a way to carry or hold their small children during the performance. Spirit Square does not have enough room for everyone especially in the winter, and strollers take up a lot of audience space.
As usual, if you want to make a lantern or mask to carry or wear to the festival, the Playhouse is located beside the Whitetooth Bistro on Wednesdays from 4-8 p.m., Saturdays 12-5 p.m. and Sundays 1-4 p.m.