Rod Power describes his book, Shadow of Light, as a spiritual thriller.

Rod Power describes his book, Shadow of Light, as a spiritual thriller.

First book gets attention

Rod Power

When people find out that Rod Power has just had a book published, the next question is often, “What’s your book about?”

He has to stop and think to answer that.

“The publisher had to open a new imprint for Shadow of Light — spiritual thriller,” he said.

Power, a native of Newfoundland, served in the Canadian Corps of Engineers, and later worked as a professional land surveyor and consultant which took him to jobs around the world. He brings his own life experiences, his spiritual life as a practising Roman Catholic, his wide-ranging interests, and his creative strengths to the book.

Mark Buchanan, one of Canada’s top spiritual writers, describes the book as almost beyond description, writing:

Shadow of Light is a heady mix of metaphysics and astrophysics, theology and quantum science, end-of-the-world apocalypse and madcap comic romance, all served up in a great bouillabaisse that is part thriller, part science fiction, part mystery, but mostly good old-fashioned story telling. Mr. Power is aptly named: he casts a potent spell from the first page and doesn’t break it until well past the last one.”

Gordon Pinsent, actor, author and playwright, who read the book, wrote to Power. “Shadow of Light is a terrific story. I will read it again, just for the joy of it.”

The story starts when an angel moves in with an American family with his own agenda for earthly and heavenly matters. The angel, Sarius, comes to believe that the end of the world is near and that it is his responsibility to avert it, even forcing an audience with God. Sarius continues his attempts to save the world in a struggle of unprecedented proportions.

Power has based what could happen at the end of the world on scientific possibility.

“But, as indicated at the beginning of the story, science is science and miracles are miracles, and never the twain shall meet,” said Power, who first of all wants to tell a good story filled with faith and hope.

“I love the writing process. I’ve been around the world a few times and I’ve seen a few things and that’s part of my writing. I do believe there is angelic intervention in the lives of people. Most people who have seen the book so far tell me they like it and they find it quite humourous as well as being an amazing story. The characters surprised me sometimes, they did things I didn’t know they would do,” said Power, who now lives in Vernon.

He has been asked to do a preliminary movie script from the book but does not know what will happen with that yet.

Power has written six manuscripts — some are thrillers set in the Middle East, Africa and South America — and Shadow of Light is the first to be published. Shadow of Light is currently available as an e-book from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. A print version will be released in September. For more information see


Vernon Morning Star