Focus on farm this October

World Farm Animals Day on Oct. 2, celebrated on Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday and observed in dozens of countries all over the world

Jerry Kitt of First Nature Farms with one of his sows. First Nature Farms has been SPCA Certified since 2006.

Jerry Kitt of First Nature Farms with one of his sows. First Nature Farms has been SPCA Certified since 2006.

The BC SPCA has designated October to raising awareness about farm animals – beginning with World Farm Animals Day on Oct. 2, celebrated on Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday and observed in dozens of countries all over the world.

“In the spirit of this event, we’re challenging consumers to take a really good look at how farm animals are cared for to produce the products they buy,” says Alyssa Bell Stoneman, SPCA Certified program supervisor. “We want consumers to ask, ‘Were the farm animals provided with a high level of welfare to meet their needs?’”

The BC SPCA urges individuals to take action in October with a pledge to help improve the lives of the millions of farm animals raised in Canada each year:

• Learn more about farm animals and watch our videos on the BC SPCA’s YouTube channel. Videos include: Dr. Temple Grandin, Dr. Ian Duncan, SPCA Certified farms, and Cluck!, the BC SPCA’s educational video on laying hens;

• Help us speak for the animals by adding your voice to one or more of the SPCA’s farm animal campaigns. Visit for details;

• Choose SPCA Certified products. By choosing products with an SPCA Certified label you are taking the animals’ well-being into consideration and supporting local farmers who make animal welfare a priority. A product with a SPCA Certified label comes from a farm that follows BC SPCA standards of farm animal welfare, as assessed by trained, independent third-party inspectors and review panellists. A list of SPCA Certified producers and retailers is available at;  Subscribe to FarmSense, the BC SPCA’s bi-monthly email newsletter about farm animal welfare news, events and research. Sign up at;

• Support farm animal welfare initiatives.  The BC SPCA is the only SPCA in Canada with a department specializing in farm animal welfare and is a national leader in programs that promote better lives for millions of farm animals. Your support gift can help us save lives. Donate at;

• Multiply your impact. Tell your family and friends about Farm Animal Welfare Month and get them involved. Point them to our BC SPCA Facebook page and ‘share’ the word, or ‘tweet’ about us on Twitter.

Barriere Star Journal