Fostering fun and fundraising

Even more Chase children will be smiling this Christmas, thanks to the hard work and generosity from a group of Chase residents.

Residents of Chabelos Resort show off some of the toys collected during the annual potluck barbecue before they were donated to the Chase Hamper Society.

Residents of Chabelos Resort show off some of the toys collected during the annual potluck barbecue before they were donated to the Chase Hamper Society.

Even more Chase children will be smiling this Christmas, thanks to the hard work and generosity from a group of Chase residents.

The annual Chabelos Cares For Kids event was in full swing again this year, seeing over 70 attendees and raising a total of $2,200 worth of toys for the Chase Hamper Society.

Each year Chabelos resort invites all of their guests and seasonal and yearly owners, to attend a social potluck supper.

“It is an afternoon of fun, food and fellowship,” says Cheryl Niemi, Chabelos resident.

While the event is free, the organizers suggest guests bring along a toy and one item to be entered into an auction.

In exchange, the resort  purchases chicken for all the guests at the potluck barbecue.

This year’s event brought in more than 55 gifts valued at approximately $1,100, with another $1,100 being raised through the auction and a 50/50 draw.

“We went through the toys that had been donated to see what we had and for what age groups,” says Niemi.

“Then we used the money that was donated to fill in the ages that were missing.”

More than 100 toys in total were donated to the Chase Hamper Society, including everything from toy trucks to Ipods.

Niemi says the group has chosen the Chase Hamper Society each year because it helps the people close to home who need it.

“If we are able to help out all the kids here and there are still some toys left over, then they will be sent to another area close by,” she says.

Niemi insists the event could not have been successful if it was not for the generosity of the yearly and seasonal residents of Chabelos Resort, who not only help make the event enjoyable for each other, but beneficial to the community as well.

Salmon Arm Observer