Free depression recovery information session

Residents of 100 Mile House and area have a second chance to attend a free introductory session on the Depression Recovery Seminar

Dr. David Ramorasata

Dr. David Ramorasata

Residents of 100 Mile House and area have a second chance to attend a free introductory session on the Depression Recovery Seminar.

If you are suffering from depression, make sure you and they attend this session.

Here is what one participant from last year’s program is saying a year later:

“Participation in the depression recovery program helped kick start my long climb out of a very deep hole. I learned so much about what depression really is, about cognition, nutrition, and about myself. The mere fact of my attendance at the program and actually knowing that other people were similarly challenged, helped,” says Andy May from Clinton.

Dr. David Ramorasata and his team will hold a second free introductory session on March 27 in the multi-purpose room at the South Cariboo Health Centre, starting at 7 p.m.

To register for free information session, call Sue or Curtis at 250-395-1142, or e-mail Full details are available online

Cameron Johnston is the stress fitness coach and director of Silver Hills On-The-Road.



100 Mile House Free Press