Raspberry Cream Popsicle

Raspberry Cream Popsicle

From Scratch: Summer on a stick – the nostalgia of the popsicle

Popsicles are associated with happy times and memories as there is nothing better than something cold to eat on a hot summer day.

  • Jun. 23, 2015 7:00 p.m.

The very thought of my mom handing me an orange popsicle makes me crave my childhood years when I was running through the sprinkler with my friends, lapping up the sunshine without a care in the world. Popsicles are associated with happy times and memories as there is nothing better than something cold to eat on a hot summer day. Long gone are the sugar-laden sticks — welcome to the modern popsicle era where, as adults, even we can enjoy a real flavour bomb pop!

Some tips to making the ultimate popsicle:

• Like any recipe, use the best ingredients you can get your hands on.

• Fruit slightly over-ripened are perfect for making popsicles and is quite often cheaper.

• Wash all the fruit really, really well.

• Try using honey or simple syrup to sweeten your pops: 1 part sugar to 1 part water (recipe below).

• Adult pop = add alcohol, but remember, it inhibits freezing so your popsicle can only be 20 per cent booze.

• Adding something bubbly to the pops will make them have a mild, but slightly sour taste; it’s not bad, just different. Nothing wrong with Strawberry Prosecco popsicles!

• Use fresh lemon juice over bottled — it just tastes better.

• Invest in a good mould, but remember… the bigger the mould, the longer it takes to freeze.

• Always leave about one quarter of an inch at the top of the mould as the liquid will expand upon freezing.

• To take the popsicle out of the mould, dip in hot water to remove smoothly.

• Trust your instincts and play with different flavour combinations — don’t be afraid to use those herbs in your garden to infuse your simple syrups! The combinations are endless.

On that note, here is my favourite popsicle of all time and, yes, you can find them at From Scratch in the coming weeks!


Raspberries ‘n’ Cream Popsicle

Makes 10 pops*



• 4 cups fresh raspberries

• 2/3 cup simple syrup (Combine sugar and water in small saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium-high heat, stirring till sugar dissolves and mixture is transparent. Turn off heat and let cool. Store in fridge.)

• ½ cup heavy cream



• Puree the raspberries in a food processor or smash with a potato masher.

• Transfer them to a bowl with a pouring spout and add the simple syrup.

• Stir well and taste. Add the cream and stir very, very minimally. The swirl effect looks lovely!

• Pour the mixture into the moulds, leaving a bit of room at the top for them to expand.

• Insert sticks and allow to freeze for 4 to 5 hours.


Lara McCormack is one of the owners of From Scratch – A Mountain Kitchen in Fairmont Hot Springs where one can savour great seasonal food, sip from a selection of beverages including B.C. wines, and enjoy the views of our gorgeous valley landscape.

*Recipe is copyrighted to People’s Pop cookbook.

Invermere Valley Echo