From the Archives

Historical headlines culled from the Salmon Arm Observer archives

  • Dec. 7, 2011 8:00 a.m.

1908 British Columbia won the gold medal and Salmon Arm a silver medal in the apple competition at the famed London (England) show.

The provincial school trustees’ convention, in Revelstoke, passed a motion that no child be permitted to leave school or engage in work for pay until after he had reached the senior grade of public school


1928 The quality of Salmon Arm apples was demonstrated this week when a 50 box display placed a close second to the much larger Okanagan entry in district competition at the Vancouver Winter Competition.

The 21 members of the South Canoe Sunday School met at the home of Mrs. Martin to present a wedding gift to Miss Mayna June.


1938 F.T. Magee acted as chairman and Mrs. A.H.F Martin as secretary as delegates from all the rural school boards in and around Salmon Arm met at the Montebello Hotel to consider organizing a branch of the B.C. Trustees Association to cover all the boards in the area.


1948 The school board rejected teachers’ demands for a $400 pay increase and indicated it would rather prefer to take its chances with binding arbitration.

Local movie fans were raving about the year’s top picture, Gentleman’s Agreement, starring Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire and John Garfield.


1958 Carol Clynne and Phillip Pincosy, who played a piano duet, won the  Rotary Club’s Challenge Trophy for best performance at the talent show.

Salmon Arm’s newest retail business, Shuswap Consumers Co-operative, opened its doors. The Co-op had purchased the facilities of the former S-A-F-E Ltd. General manager was Walter Derkaz.

Salmon Arm Observer