For the third year in a row Skaha Ford joined in partnership with Summerland Secondary High School to help raise money for the musical theatre department. People were invited to test-drive a variety of Ford vehicles and for every participant Ford Motor Company of Canada pledged to donate $20 to the School. Drama Teacher Heather Ayris said the students work hard at fundraising and the school tries to provide them with the best in quality when it comes to their productions. Pictured here about to take a test-drive is Jean Lauer with her granddaughters, from left Chloe Eisner, nine; Kirsten Eisner, 12 and Becca Eisner, 15. I, the back row from left are members of the drama class. From left are Emma Thomson, 16; 16 year old Michelle Gagnon, 16; Katrina Van Herwaarden, 15; Justine Houde, 16 and Victoria Tao, 15.

For the third year in a row Skaha Ford joined in partnership with Summerland Secondary High School to help raise money for the musical theatre department. People were invited to test-drive a variety of Ford vehicles and for every participant Ford Motor Company of Canada pledged to donate $20 to the School. Drama Teacher Heather Ayris said the students work hard at fundraising and the school tries to provide them with the best in quality when it comes to their productions. Pictured here about to take a test-drive is Jean Lauer with her granddaughters, from left Chloe Eisner, nine; Kirsten Eisner, 12 and Becca Eisner, 15. I, the back row from left are members of the drama class. From left are Emma Thomson, 16; 16 year old Michelle Gagnon, 16; Katrina Van Herwaarden, 15; Justine Houde, 16 and Victoria Tao, 15.

Funding drive

Skaha Ford joined in partnership with Summerland Secondary School to help raise money for the musical theatre department.

For the third year in a row Skaha Ford joined in partnership with Summerland Secondary School to help raise money for the musical theatre department.

People were invited to test-drive a variety of Ford vehicles and for every participant Ford Motor Company of Canada pledged to donate $20 to the School.

Drama Teacher Heather Ayris said the students work hard at fundraising and the school tries to provide them with the best in quality when it comes to their productions. P

ictured here about to take a test-drive is Jean Lauer with her granddaughters, from left Chloe Eisner, nine; Kirsten Eisner, 12 and Becca Eisner, 15. I, the back row from left are members of the drama class. From left are Emma Thomson, 16; 16 year old Michelle Gagnon, 16; Katrina Van Herwaarden, 15; Justine Houde, 16 and Victoria Tao, 15.



Summerland Review