Brian McGrath, manager for the men's program at Ruth and Naomi's, helps build a community garden at the former Paramount site on Thursday.

Brian McGrath, manager for the men's program at Ruth and Naomi's, helps build a community garden at the former Paramount site on Thursday.

Getting the downtown community garden going

Flowers and vegetable plants have been generously offered up to the new community garden in downtown Chilliwack

The new downtown community garden project is going like gangbusters.

“The planting started last week,” said Bill Raddatz, executive director of Ruth & Naomi’s mission. “We had the lumber delivered, the container boxes are built, and the soil was trucked in and put into the new containers.”

A water hookup has been installed and there’s a security fence on the way for the garden being established atop the old Paramount theatre demolition site. It’s a joint effort between City of Chilliwack and Ruth & Naomi’s.

The garden is being built on a base of crushed stone, with lined, wooden planters on top.

A town hall meeting was set for Monday night at Ruth & Naomi’s on Margaret Street to assign the veggie boxes and get user agreements signed from prospective growers.

Community gardeners have to commit to taking care of their garden plots, weeding, watering, and taking pride in them, said Raddatz.

Donated flowers and vegetable plants have already been generously offered by at least two different local retailers.

Vegetable plant donations from the public will be accepted (root vegetable preferred) on-site 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. weekdays. Leave your name and number with the plants, and they’ll be entered in a draw for a $100 gift certificate to the best restaurant in town.

Chilliwack Progress