Vice-principal Fred Schaub: not a big fan of cheese.

Vice-principal Fred Schaub: not a big fan of cheese.

Getting to know: Mr. Schaub

In the fall of 2014 Carihi welcomed the new Vice Principal, Fred Schaub

In the fall of 2014 Carihi welcomed the new Vice Principal, Fred Schaub.

He made is way over from Bella Bella, but before that was born and raised in Switzerland.  Everyone sees the familiar, friendly face around the school, but with everyone running to get to class, lots of people haven’t had time to get to know him.

Q: When did you decide you wanted to become an educator?

A: Very late, I was almost 40.

Q:  Why Campbell River, what brought you here?

A:  It was time to move on from Bella Bella, I was the principle there.  Campbell river is much better than being in the big city, such as Vancouver.

Q: What is your favorite thing about being Vice Principal?

A: Not being the actual principal, It’s more involvement with students, and less office work.

Q: When you retire, what is one thing you want to be remembered for?

A:  Helping less privileged and struggling students.

Q: What is one piece of advice you can give to the upcoming graduates?

A:  Keep your options open, step back once and a while and look at  the whole situation. You have got lots of time, there is no rush, just make good use of it.

Q: Carihi is full of diversity and acceptance, how do you support this and think we could improve it even more?

A: Be open to everyone’s ideas, and never judge.

Q: What do you really enjoy about Carihi?

A: Friendly atmosphere from everyone, I also really love the old building.

Q: Do you have any hidden talents?

A:  I bend the rules.

Q: One thing on your bucket list?

A: Sail my boat up the coast.

Q: Did you teach in Switzerland?

A: No, before I moved here I was a cabinet maker.

Q: Aside from cheese, watches, knives and bank accounts, what do you miss most about Switzerland?

A: My parents, they are the main reason I go back.  Also I don’t really like cheese.

Campbell River Mirror