Go to the rhodo show

Lots going on with the Mount Arrowsmith Rhodo Society

  • Apr. 29, 2011 7:00 p.m.
Members of the Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society were kept hopping on the weekend.

Members of the Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society were kept hopping on the weekend.

The cool, wet spring posed a particular challenge to the Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society when they held their annual rhodo sale in Qualicum Beach on the weekend.

However, society spokesperson Marilyn Dawson said, the event drew a big crowd to the Parksville Curling Club Saturday.

“It was different this year,” she said. “Sometimes people come pouring in right at the start, but this year they didn’t do that. They trickled in and now and then we had real bursts. In the end, it was a huge crowd, a very good turnout, particularly with the weather.”

That weather, she said, posed problematic in other ways as well.

“We had a low showing of blooms this year because of the weather, so the judges had their work cut out for them,” she said.

 “However, the vendors seemed happy at the end of the day. They were fearful at first, but it worked out.”

There’s no rest for MARS members though. They’re already gearing up for their next event, the Spring Fling.

“This is the first venture in Qualicum Beach,” she said. “For four years we were part of the sale in Coombs, which is now defunct. The club digs up their own perennials and sells them and we did very well in those sales, so this year we decided to have it in Qualicum Beach.”

In addition to the horticultural offerings at the fling, slated for Saturday, April 30 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Community Hall, Dawson said the event will also feature some vendors usually found at the Qualicum Beach Farmer’s Market.

“The farmers market isn’t open until next week but some people wanted to get a jump on it,” she said. “We’ll have a baker, someone who does coffee, fresh veggies, plants, jewelry and pottery.”

For more information contact the Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society at 250-752-3694



Parksville Qualicum Beach News