Good Dog Obedience grads ready for spring walks the North Thompson

Dog owners are ready to enjoy their companions new good manners

  • Apr. 10, 2014 10:00 a.m.
The recent Good Dog Obedience classes came to a close the end of March with a number of successful graduates completing the six week course. Basic Obedience Course graduates pictured are; Connon Drey and Luka, Marty Quinn and Maple, Lorraine Quinn and Ratty, Lindsay McInnes and Frito.  Graduate Tracey White and Genie are missing from the photo.

The recent Good Dog Obedience classes came to a close the end of March with a number of successful graduates completing the six week course. Basic Obedience Course graduates pictured are; Connon Drey and Luka, Marty Quinn and Maple, Lorraine Quinn and Ratty, Lindsay McInnes and Frito. Graduate Tracey White and Genie are missing from the photo.

Barriere Star Journal