Good for your mental health, too

Mount Washington Ski Resort has programs for everyone

Strathcona Nordic Ski Club, based on Mount Washington, has recreational programs starting Jan. 12.

Strathcona Nordic Ski Club, based on Mount Washington, has recreational programs starting Jan. 12.

Did you know cross-country skiing is a great way to improve your fitness and mental health this winter?

Cross-country skiing uses all your muscle groups (legs, arms and core) and your cardiovascular system, and because it’s low-impact, you can exercise for extended periods of time. Cross-country skiing also offers many other health benefits associated with gliding through snowy meadows and forests in fresh mountain air.

The Strathcona Nordic Ski Club (SNSC) is Vancouver Island’s cross-country ski club. They base their activities in Mount Washington’s Nordic Area. The SNSC would like to help you keep fit and beat the winter blahs, and they say they have a program for everyone.

Barb Kelly, director of communications says: “We have excellent programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced skiers; for children, youth and adults; for recreational and racers; for paranordic skiers… we really do have programs for everyone.”

SNSC recreational programs run for 10 weeks starting Jan. 12. Register for winter programs before November 30 to take advantage of early bird prices. Learn more at


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