Grade 12 students prepare to dive into the pool of life

Those leaning towards university or college have plans and ideas

Post-secondary, travel or work – the three most common answers to the dreaded question “what are your plans for after high school?”

With semester one coming to a near end, the constant reminder of graduation lingers for most grade 12 students.  Those leaning towards university or college have plans and ideas like Megan Grant: “I’m planning on going to school in the fall, mostly because I know what I want to do, and I want to get my degree as soon as possible.”

Brooke Eidsvik also had a similar answer: “I’m planning on going to post-secondary for sure” and when asked why, she replied with a sincere answer: “I want to have a career I actually enjoy and to wake up every day loving what I do.” With the stress of exams looming over everyone, students are also asking themselves “how much more of this can I, and want to do?” Indecision can be an issue before launching into a huge commitment such as post-secondary education.

“I know that school is something I will eventually want to do, but I’d like to travel in hopes I gain clarity on my future education and career,” says one student. For others it’s more about finding their way in life, outside of Campbell River. One thing both schooling and travel have in common is a financial strain. Although some would like the option, it’s simply not one until they have the funds, leading them in the direction of work. For others it’s about achieving goals, like dancer Jesse Devlin: “Some people tell me I’m wasting my time, but it’s about what I love to do, I believe in myself and that’s all that matters. The future that’s important to most is working hard and achieving their dreams, whether or not that includes a degree or career path.”

Campbell River Mirror