Great Backyard Bird Count the biggest one yet

it was the biggest count in Great Backyard Bird Count's 20-year history

Cedar Waxwings in Louis Creek, Feb. 17, 2017.

Cedar Waxwings in Louis Creek, Feb. 17, 2017.

Another Great Backyard Bird Count is in the books, and thanks to participants from around the world (including birders in the North Thompson Valley), it was the biggest count in its 20-year history. Bird watchers set a new high bar for number of checklists submitted and total number of species identified during the four days of the Count.

Estimated participants: 214,018 (2016 final total estimate: 163,763). Species: 5,940 (2016 final total: 5,689). Complete checklists: 173,826 (2016 final total: 162,052). The top ten most frequently reported species; Northern Cardinal 52,422, American Crow 47,275, Mourning Dove 47,076, Dark-eyed Junco 42,208, Downy Woodpecker 38,760. Blue Jay 38,402. Black-capped Chickadee 36,417, House Finch 35,889, House Sparrow 33,749, and White-breasted Nuthatch 32,598. British Columbia is in second place for most checklists submitted with 206 species and 2,227 checklists, with Ontario in first with 158 species and 7,158 checklists. Canada is in third place for number of species 258 and checklists 14,908, behind the United States with 671 and 113,117 respectively, and India in third spot with 801 and 11,008.

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