Great job on Minerals North and our tourist guide

Another very sad event in our lives with the passing of Anne Waldron. She was a wonderful wife, sister, mother, grandmother and friend.

Another very sad event in our lives with the passing of Anne Waldron. She was a wonderful wife, sister, mother, grandmother and friend. Her service was held at the Island Gospel Church with so many of her family and friends. Pastor Washington officiated the service. The Army of Light gave the service music. Anne is also a part of another pioneer Ootsa Lake family. Anne has left so many friends and a very loving family. Yes, Anne we will all miss you a great deal and all the pleasant memories you have left.

Great guide

Last week a booklet came out with the main cover featuring a very pleasant picture, bright and cheerful and very noticeable for all to see, ‘Welcome to Burns Lake and the Lakes District.’ This map will be a real help for the tourists as it tells so much and shows so much. The map on the first page is one of the best I have seen as it’s very clear for anyone. All the pictures and the write-ups are very attractive and pleasing for anyone who is new to the Lakes District.

For all the older time tourists they know their way to get around, but to first time folks it will be a great help. Hats off to the Lakes District News for doing such a bang up job. This pamphlet will go a long way.

On the range

Today I noticed a cattle liner going west loaded. This was cattle from the Charlie Peebles ranch on their way to their summer range at Poplar Lake. This is a sure sign that the grass has come to the high country. There will be another load of cattle going up in a day or so.

Busy busy

What a busy week in Burns Lake with the three day Minerals North conference. Of the number of vehicles that were parked it must have been a full house. This conference will be known Canada wide plus the U.S. All the long hours of preparing and the hard work really paid off.

It was all well worth it. I have talked to a number who had attended and they had nothing but praise for the whole three days. This will really be a shot in the arm for Burns Lake and will no doubt show the country what a small town can really do. Hats off to you all. This conference will no doubt be written up much better than I, as you well deserve it.

Big boats

It seems to me there are more larger boats  out on the lake.

There are some really top of the line boats, big and fancy and all around beautiful.

Dad’s last boat was 26 ft. and he called it the May Queen after our daughter Marie who that year was the May Queen.

I’m going back a long way now, dad had an extra boat he had made, it was a river boat about 25 ft. long so we traded it to Slim Henry for a little saddle horse called Buster.

He was everything a horse could be. We had him for years. He was a single footer gaited, lovely to ride. He was about 30 when I had to put him down, it was a sad day. The last winter I kept him going on dairy ration but in the spring he went down and had to be put down. I can tell many stories about him, what a horse.

Good show

Of late there is a show on TV by all reports is the most watched show ever been. It is the story of the McCoy and Hatfield feud that came about in Kentucky just at the end of the north and south civil war. It was the windup of this terrible war.

This is a story that was told to me by Howard Brott who was the postmaster at Danskin with his wife Mary.

The office was on the bend just this side of Kim Knapp’s home. The trees have taken over now but years ago it was a large clearing. They also raised goats as well as the Danskin post office. They became great friends of ours.

They had moved up here from Kentucky. How they got here I do not know. Howard was a break man on a railway in Kentucky. The train he was working on had pulled onto a siding for a stop over. As he was standing waiting to move a young man came running to catch the freight. Just as he came up to Howard there was a shot and the young man dropped beside him. He was hurt and bleeding, just then he heard a horse run off with the rider who had shot this young man.

He told Howard he was a Hatfield and that it was a McCoy who had shot him. Howard told me they lived right in that community and there were some terrible things went on at that time. Many old timers will remember the Brotts. A few years ago a man stopped in who was a nephew of Howard’s and was looking for the old home sight. I was able to tell him but of course it was all grown up and nothing left. He was a very interesting man too.

It is very interesting that a large number of Americans moved up to the Ootsa Lake district. Now many years ago… some were outlaws who had moved up here to escape the law. Of course

I’m going back over 80 years. Both George Brown who ranched in Cheslatta, his ranch was the one Critchlow family have, he said he was wanted in the U.S. for a robbery.

Kentucky Bill lived at Ootsa, he showed me his twin 45 revolvers he kept under his floor. Both Kentucky Bill and George Brown used to stop at our home for a visit. What stories these men had. Being in the taxi business I saw lots of interesting people. I do wish I could have kept some of their stories.

Just had a nice visit with Betty Beatty who now lives in the lower mainland. Betty spent the greater part of her life in Burns Lake. Betty was almost a member of our family as she came to live with us as a young lady after leaving her home in Winnipeg. She is a wonderful person and we were all very proud she came to live with us.

Take care slow down they have some hefty fines now and also the life you save could be your own. Always remember God loves you and so do I.

P.S. I found my phone, it was on the window sill covered over with a paper. I guess I put it there, maybe I’m starting to slip. But the lost is found, Happy day.


Burns Lake Lakes District News

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