Grow Your Greatness: Reflection and renewal: preparing for 2016

we nurtured Seeds, which included courage, possibility, health, time, appreciation, calmness, releasing, giving and receiving.

This year, our inspiration grew as we nurtured our Greatness Seeds, which included courage, possibility, health, time, appreciation, calmness, releasing, giving and receiving.

As you reflect on 2015, there will be many memories of happy times, fulfilling experiences, challenging opportunities and possibly a few things you wish you could have done better. Only you know how well you contributed to your own sense of wellness; to your friends, family, community; and how you held up your part to be a good steward of our Earth.

Here’s the thing: life is about feeling better and better about everything. When your heart is expanding with love and gratitude for what is, regardless of the circumstances, you are more open to receiving all things that will ignite you into feeling better.

Is it tough at times when “life” throws you a curve ball, when sickness, misfortune and disease knock at the door? Absolutely!

Even during those times, there are gifts, though they can be hard to see.

In 2015, there were many opportunities when this gracious community came together, poured their love and support into the hearts of those in need, and supported so many into feeling better. The members of this valley are incredible. We know that great and wonderful things happen when we come together to uplift, support and celebrate each other.

Now it’s time for the holidays and the welcoming of a new year. Are you excited about it? What will be different for you this New Year?

Some of you will go with the flow, some of you will make and go after specific goals and some of you will do both.

I personally am ramping up my approach to my own wellness and to being a better steward for the Earth in 2016. As I finish this last column for 2015 from my nature-inspired living office, I would like to invite you to join me in 2016 for a new series entitled “Go & Grow Greener.”

We will explore ways to be and do even better at taking care of ourselves, each other and this beautiful place we call home.

Elizabeth Shopland is a personal growth and development coach, a certified horticulturist, and the co-owner of Shopland Grow & Bloom. She can be reached at and 250-342-1124.

Invermere Valley Echo