Guides get ready to ‘SOAR’

Girl Guides around the world kicked off this week’s Guide-Scout Week with Thinking Day Tuesday.

  • Feb. 22, 2011 12:00 p.m.

Girl Guides around the world kicked off this week’s Guide-Scout Week with Thinking Day Tuesday.

Thinking Day is the day to honour the organization’s founders Lord Robert Baden-Powell and his wife, Lady Olave Baden-Powell. It is also the day to remember that the Guiding organization is the largest women’s organization in the world, with 145 member countries in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts with more than 10 million members.

For World Thinking Day 2011, Girl Guides of Canada adopted the Millennium Development Goal 3: Gender Equality and Empowering Women, challenging girls and women to make themselves heard from coast to coast, as they raise awareness of gender equality issues that exist around the world, and to empower girls and young women to take a stand against inequality.

This summer, 2,000 Girl Guides from around the world will meet in Aggasiz for a week of outdoor adventure. B.C. Girl Guides from just about every community in the province will join Guides from across Canada and several other countries — Ireland, Ivory Coast, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, United Kingdom and the United States — for a week-long Girl Guide camp.

Guides will set up a temporary community serving all aspects of community life.

It’s all about B.C. Guides sharing the sisterhood with their international guests who have prepared and worked for this opportunity to challenge their skills and increase their self-esteem and knowledge.

For more information on local Guides, please call Jodi Rolke at 250-545-8294

Vernon Morning Star