Local veteran Vera Volard stands with Allen Cameron of the Veterans Voices of Canada Project.

Local veteran Vera Volard stands with Allen Cameron of the Veterans Voices of Canada Project.

Hearing the voices of Canada’s veterans

Allen Cameron was in Golden recently as part of the Veterans Voices of Canada Project to interview local veteran Vera Volard

Allen Cameron was in Golden recently as part of the Veterans Voices of Canada Project to interview local veteran Vera Volard.

Cameron has been interviewing Canadian Military veterans since 2006 and has recorded the stories of almost 600 veterans so far.

He explained that he has always been a history buff, and made the decision to interview his uncle about what he had experienced in the war. Before the interview could happen, his uncle passed away.

Cameron said his uncle had told him that he believed what Cameron was going to do was important so it inspired him to start the Veterans Voices of Canada Project.

Volard said she was looking forward to sharing some of her stories with Cameron.

“I know it is very hard to get the veterans, what few we have, to talk about that war.”

Voland said many veterans do not want to talk about the war but she believes the stories should be remembered.

Cameron said he feels privileged to have the chance to hear the stories from those veterans.

“I get to hear the veterans tell their stories. A lot of the families never hear the stories the way they share them with me,” he said.

Cameron said doing the interviews is something that cannot be put off.

“This is an important thing and it has to be done. If there are any veterans who feel they have a story and want to participate feel free to contact Veterans Voices of Canada or the Legion here in Golden and they will contact me,” Cameron said.

To learn more about the project go to www.VetVoiceCan.org or contact Susan Lucas at 250-344-7868.


Golden Star