Help is always available

Pause for thought by Lynn Bode, Help is always available

My husband and I have been building a hay shed.  The last couple of days we have spent putting the roof on.  The first side went on mighty fine. I felt very secure on the roof as I was screwing in the screws to hold the metal roofing on.

The next day we did the other side of the roof.  The slope is the same, I was wearing the same running shoes, my job was the same; but I did not feel very secure. I was very uncomfortable. I did a lot of praying then.

This made me think of how easy it is to stay in my comfort zone; to do things the way that I have always done them.

My life has been great!  I have a wonderful husband, a warm home and I enjoy my life. Part of my life however is evolving considerably, and this causes discomfort.  My level of responsibilities are changing and so I find that I am feeling insecure like being on the other side of the roof.

Working on the other side of the roof, developed more coordination and used different muscles because of the direction we were working.  Like writing with the hand you don’t usually use.  When we are out of our comfort zones we quite often feel inadequate and insecure.  This may bring out parts of our character that we never wish to see, or it may even unearth old hurts or wounds.

If we ask Jesus to help us through these periods of life; He will not only help us, but will use the circumstances to make us into better people; healing those past hurts and placing our feet on firm ground.  It is wise to ask Jesus to walk with you and help you in these periods of you life.  He will walk beside you, comfort you, and carry you if necessary.  Jesus said that He will be with us always.  He is our greatest companion even on the other side of the roof.

* Courtesy of Lynn Bode, Barriere Christian Life Assembly Church

Barriere Star Journal