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Do you know of any great personalities with recipes to share? Email

Helping a dream live on

Jeanette Weeks and Team Livestrong raising money for cancer research

When South Surrey’s Jeanette Weeks takes part in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer later this summer, she will be walking not only to raise money, but to honour an influential friend.

With every step Weeks and the other 27 members of Team Livestrong take during the two-day, 60-kilometre fundraiser, their thoughts will be with team captain Anita Cochrane, who lost her battle with cancer late last year.

“She’s our inspiration,” Weeks said, recalling her friend and co-worker, who spearheaded the team’s fundraising efforts in 2004 and proudly watched them grow over the next several years, raising more than $250,000 for cancer research.

“Anita was instrumental in getting me involved in fundraising.”

In preparation for the Weekend to End Breast Cancer – in which each team member is required to raise at least $2,000 beforehand – Weeks has been busy preparing for the team’s fourth annual Saving the Girls Golf Tournament, this year re-named the Anita Cochrane Memorial Golf Tournament.

The fundraiser is set for July 8 at Richmond’s Green Acres Golf Course and for the first time in the tournament’s history, the event is already sold out.

“It’s phenomenal, I can’t believe we’re sold out,” Weeks said. “I know Anita is smiling down on us, going ‘way to go guys!’”

Though there has been an “overwhelming” response from local businesses who have stepped up to help out with the event, Weeks said the team is still looking for sponsorship and raffle/silent auction prizes.

In addition to raising money in the battle against cancer, Weeks – who admitted, “fundraising is really my thing” – recently volunteered at the BC Children’s Miracle Weekend, where she and her husband, Jay, helped serve up 2,400 meals to volunteers, cheque presenters and crew members at the two-day telethon.

She also enjoys fitness and travel and has a rather momentous occasion on the horizon – the marriage of her daughter, Danielle, in August.

With summer nearly here, Weeks has chosen to share a recipe for tropical fruit salsa. It’s a recipe she gleaned from Sun Rich Fresh Foods, a Richmond-based fruit processing company, where Weeks has worked for the past 17 years.

“Kids, adults, everybody loves it,” she said of the diverse salsa, which can be served as an accent to a variety of items, including fish, chicken or tortilla chips. “Plus, it’s a really easy recipe.”

For more info on Team Livestrong’s upcoming golf tournament, visit

Tropical Fruit Salsa


12 oz (1½ cups) diced mango and pineapple

½ cup diced red pepper

½ cup diced red onion

1 diced jalapeno pepper

3 Tbsp olive oil

3 Tbsp cliantro

juice of one lime

salt and pepper to taste


Combine all the ingredients in a non-reactive (glass, ceramic or plastic) bowl and mix gently. Serve with grilled fish, seafood, pork, chicken or as an alternative to tomato-based salsa with tortilla chips.

Peace Arch News