Hopper: Sometimes love really does conquer all

A battery of tests confirmed that she was pretty much allergic to everything.

Here’s the story of a lovely lady with three children who met a man who was busy with three children of his own.

Together they formed a family—but this is not the story of The Brady Bunch, the iconic TV family sitcom from the 1970s.

Instead, this is a real life account of how perseverance prevails over hardship when two people use their love for each other to overcome heartache in their family.

When Curtis married Racheal in 2007 they thought they would live happily ever after because they loved each other so much. The newlyweds had a beautiful new home built for them to meet the needs of their expanded family of eight.

They outfitted it with new furniture, decorative finishing touches and paints to make their new home picture perfect.

Little did they know at the time that mold had developed due to shoddy workmanship. Add to that the exposure of chemical compounds from new building materials and furnishings, and this indoor toxic stew was slowly starting to make Curtis’s wife sick.

At first, Rachael’s symptoms started with back pain. They switched out at least six different beds to find something that was comfortable for Racheal to sleep on—only to expose her to even more toxic chemicals.

This was the start of a two-year ordeal where Racheal and Curtis visited every specialist that they could think of.

Eventually, they ended up at an environmental doctor, who confirmed that Racheal was suffering from toxic overload due to the mold and chemical exposures involved with their house.

She had a battery of tests that confirmed that she was pretty much allergic to everything. But now that they had the condition identified, they thought that this would be the start of the end of their nightmare—instead, it was just the beginning. Racheal moved into a sparsely furnished, cold, sterile hotel room where other patients with similar conditions would stay while undergoing treatments.

She was alone most of the time. Yet the worst of all this was that Racheal was not getting any better.

“How come my wife is not getting any better?” a frustrated Curtis demanded to know from the doctors who were treating her.

“She’s just going to have to get used to living like this” was the best they could offer him in response. That was not an answer that Curtis was about to accept. He endlessly scoured the Internet in search of an answer.

“I loved my wife so much that I would do anything in the world to fix it… When I came across Annie Hopper’s website, I knew in my heart that this was the answer.”

That was over two years ago.

Through effectively rewiring her limbic system, Racheal is now able to go wherever she wants to go and do whatever she wants to do. And most importantly, Racheal is back home being a loving mother and wife once again to her children and Curtis.

Chemical sensitivities is just one of many chronic conditions that is associated with limbic system trauma in the brain. Other conditions such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, anxiety and depression are also associated with limbic system dysfunction and can be effectively treated through rewiring limbic system function.

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