Sunstar Astrology

Sunstar Astrology

Horoscope for the Week: April 04, 2014

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of April 4

  • Apr. 3, 2014 2:00 p.m.

Tip of the Week:

Aries is the sign of dawn, daybreak, the moment when the sun peaks above the horizon flooding the plane in view with light. Thus the theme of birth, as in the new day, is linked to Aries. It is tempting to confuse the notion of the Constellation of Aries for that of the actual phenomenal event of the Sun at the moment of daybreak. Yet, there remains this lingering confusion which assumes that the constellations precede and are the foundation of Astrology. Sunrise, culmination at noon, sunset and midnight, which also correspond to East, South, West and North are the true foundations.

The division of the day and the year into 4 main quadrants, in turn, also corresponds to the 4 Elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Dividing each quadrant into 3 produces a simple measure of beginning, middle and end of each quarter of the day and of the year. Early, spring, mid-spring and late spring is a basic example and we can say the same of morning, or of each quarter of the day. We can say the same of each quarter of the year, which of course are represented by the seasons and are demarcated by the solstices and equinoxes.

The ‘Constellations of the Zodiac’ are thus projections of this experiential and time and date ordered measure of the passage of time. They are not so much objective facts as they are metaphors. So, it is easy to understand then that the 12 Constellations of the Zodiac do not precede the foundations of Astrology; they are actually afterthoughts used for the backdrop that they ably represent for the sake of measuring the movements of the planets which, based on their angular and spatial inter-relationships from the perspective of our experiential reality here on Earth, are the main players in Astrology. P.S. The Sun and Moon are generally classified as ‘planets’ but are specifically referred to as ‘luminaries’.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

New realizations are awakening you to perspectives previously hidden. These are linked to some of your closest relationships, perhaps especially among friends. They are activating your mind and imagination. At best they are catalysts for healing which includes clearing subconscious blocks and/or perceptual blind spots. Participate with sincerity for best results.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Many ideas, dreams and schemes that have been brewing in the back of your mind are beginning to take form. These may still be in the planning or drafting stage. They are linked to your reputation and place in the world. Yet, you may feel a bit scattered and overwhelmed by all the implications. Allow your dreams to guide you.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

A resurgence of your sense of individuality is underway. This turn may feel sharp, sudden and unexpected. Yet it may be just what you have been wanting, asking for, or at least needing. At best it will feel like a new sense of freedom. Still, it may require some sober thought, action and investigation. You likely have something special to share. Name it and you will be half way there.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Something big is shaking in your public and professional life. This may not be a new story, but this is the next chapter, or perhaps even the next sequel. The reverberations can be felt close to home and in your most important relationships. It may feel like you have to proceed as on simply a hope and a prayer. Well, there is power in both of these so make the most of them.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Circumstances are leading you, perhaps even pushing, to go big. To succeed it will require a firm grip. This implies self-control to outline, execute and follow through on key plans. It also includes a healthy balance of collaboration, delegation and research. Prepare to be in the limelight for a while starting in 2-3 weeks.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Diving deeply into matters continues. These stand to be linked to finances, income, taxes and so on. While you might rather evade or deny the implications, it best that you don’t. Aim to interpret these events as opportunities to increase your personal power. Meanwhile, people and situations may not be so reliable or predicable just now, so you are wise to remain flexible.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Some shifting and shaking and sifting and sorting on relationship fronts should be keeping you occupied. The quality and mode of your self-expression is woven into this plot. Expressing yourself creatively and according to your own, unique and individual style of late especially is featured. Yet this week the emphasis shifts from self-expression to service and giving.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Changes in your daily routine and possibly even your entire lifestyle continue to roll in. This week you might even experience a spike in the graph. Doing work behind the scenes is likely. This includes activities close to home and with family. Cleaning and beautifying your living environment will prove inspiring.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

How far will you go? The time has come to expand the scope of your influence. Yet, you are wise to think twice and act once now. Some of your ideas may not be so realistic, or at least you do not have enough to follow through with. Not enough information or materials or money or…. Do make plans but wait for some of the missing pieces to fall into place.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Situations at home are influencing your decisions at work and vice versa. Though a common theme, the implications are larger than usual. Questions of money are featured. This is all stirring your thoughts and imagination, perhaps wildly. Consider that self-mastery = emotional self-control = harnessing your imagination to work for and not against you.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

In this age of massive and global information exchange, many new perspectives are being stimulated. This will be extra evident to you and in your life circumstance now. This is your invitation to take some time out to express your ideas and/or to promote your gifts, talents, skills and offerings. Tune-in by harnessing your imagination and expressing and/or presenting your talents.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Laying the foundation for future activity is now in focus. Careful preparation and planning is necessary for success. This implies creative work behind the scenes. Yet, it also features communications with pivotal players on ‘your team’. Your ambitions will rise yet and so too will your work load. For now, rest, plan and prepare.


Michael O’Connor


*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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