Horoscope for the Week: August 1, 2014

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of August 1.

Tip of the Week:

Another activation of the Cardinal Grand Square occurs on August 1st with special emphasis focused on Venus in Cancer at the mid or apex point between Moon in Libra and Uranus in Aries. This further signifies key energy patterns linked to the ongoing and all-important revolution linked to the rising feminine and the social recognition of male/female equality as a cross cultural and globally accepted norm.


The dominance of the male principle which began about 5000 years ago is now undergoing a counterbalance and the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in 1965 signifies the cycle of revolution destined to activate a new state of balance again. This cycle will peak in 2047 and end in 2104 so there is quite a long way to go yet.


Although this is not the only major and important social revolution underway, the evolution of it will contribute to the resolution of the others. In other words, as gender equality is actualized, true to the natural principle it implies, a truer state of justice will gradually emerge.


If examined at its source, the overemphasis on the male principle and the subsequent themes of dominance, or might over right and the excesses of aggression and justified violence that it produces, overrides most if not all other rationalized imbalances, economic, political and otherwise. Admittedly, the result would be similar if the imbalance tilted the other way.


Male/female equality can be related to right and left brain balance. The fruit of this balance is a higher state of creativity. The deepest form of creativity is not simply art, invention or strategy; it is the inspired orientation to cultivate true civilization, which by its very meaning includes mutual respect, tolerance of differences, equal representation regardless of economic class or political standing towards the realization of greater justice, and freedom in its varied and genuine expressions. Astrology recognizes and measures this natural state of balance, and it can guide us to achieve it personally and collectively.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

You are in a fun, playful and adventurous mood. This may well include travel. Your passions are peaking and you feel assertive, even aggressive, or at least extra determined. You want the ones you love to feel the same and to deepen bonds. This includes going big and far somehow. You will likely behave excessively now so be aware and exercise moderation as necessary.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

An extra creative cycle has begun. You feel inspired and your confidences are rising. Your mood is kaleidoscopic and you want to take in as much as you can. Tending to the ambitions, passions and power plays of partners meanwhile requires extra effort. Aim for acceptance and avoid taking their actions too personally. Reserve your energies for creative expressions.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Your world has been ignited with excitement and variety. Many new creative thoughts, ideas and visions are racing through your mind. You feel ready to learn and to collaborate and strike new deals. The learning curve especially will require more discipline to focus than usual. The need to feel more secure remains a prime motivation.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Taking stock of all you have and want and need is now in focus. This includes talents, strengths, personal attributes, key connections and other resources at least as much as stuff. You have been and continue to expand your perspective regarding longer term realities. How to best navigate and proceed from where you are to where you want to be and go is highlighted.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

The time has come to take new initiatives and probably a few risks as well. Fortunately, you are in an expansive mood. Yet, you may also be contending with fears just below the surface. If so, aim to be more deliberate in your focus to overcome them. This begins with identifying what they are. Make two lists: the first of issues to overcome and the other of goals to achieve.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

A process of accessing your inner authority has begun. Some refer to this as your inner confidence; others call it your inner voice, while others say it is your higher mind. You can meditate, pray, seed dreams and/or brainstorm for ideas to access this intuitive source. Basically, set your intentions to activate your creative powers.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

The sparks of change for you are occurring in the arena of friendships and group or club involvements. At best, rewards for past efforts are rolling in. At worst, despite a refreshing degree of variety you may feel a bit scattered, overwhelmed and uncertain regarding longer term objectives. Be your own best friend and decipher what you feel you truly want and need.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Some promising activations in your public and professional life are now underway. They are inspiring you to focus to increase your exposure and expand your influence. This is a time to take risks, but very calculated ones. To proceed with confidence, affirm your worth and value and choose to like and respect yourself. Then follow through with action.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

A whole new level of confidence is rising. It will be the sort that will inspire you to explore new territory, to take some pioneering leads. Letting go of the old whether it is memories, belongings or attitudes… will prove easier. Yet, this ascension process has just begun and it will require that you do the inner work to prevail. Confront and overcome any doubt demons.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

The time has come to establish new and more empowering creative collaborations. Everyone one possesses at least one talent or attribute that you can harness for practical ends, and you are keen to do so now. Some measure of research is implied such as reviewing bio’s and resumes. As well, you may feel the need to break through habitual attitudes, perspectives and/or traditions.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

You’re social, cultural and perhaps professional worlds are expanding. The time is right to meet and greet, to have interviews. If nothing is happening it is likely that you have not been putting it out there so this is your invitation to do so. Be willing to both give and receive more. Getting or giving training is likely. Your numbers are lucky now but you have to play to win.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The new cycle that has just begun will require that you really get to work. Perhaps long standing plans and projects have finally come to the fore. Or it may be your health that needs extra attention. Either way, you must be clear and committed to make the necessary changes and adjustments in your attitude and approach to get down to business.


Michael O’Connor




*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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