Michael O'Connor's Horoscope

Michael O'Connor's Horoscope

Horoscope for the Week: December 20, 2013

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of December 20

  • Dec. 19, 2013 12:00 p.m.

Tip of the Week:

Winter Solstice can be understood to be the alpha and the omega of the year, the clasp joining all the days of the solar cycle. It can also be compared to the New Moon, otherwise called the Dark Moon. There is a deep peace and magic woven into Winter Solstice. Many assert it is the root reason for the celebration of Christmas at this time of year. As wonderful as it is for many, Christmas has at worst commercialized the otherwise ceremonial honouring of nature’s rhythmic pulse and other spiritual associations. The Sun’s light is nothing short of a spiritual reality. Reducing it to a mere fact is simply an intellectualization of the sacred experiential reality that it is. If we take the time to feel into it, to be still, silent and perhaps even reverent regarding the life giving power of the sun and its light we receive a precious gift. It is a gift of the heart that can perhaps only be received when reverence and humility join together in acknowledged awareness of the life giving miracle that the Sun’s radiation and light are. Some might mock this sentiment to be an unnecessary emotional indulgence. Such is the attitude of excessive intellectual orientation which is prone to categories and labels in place of communion and love. Rational has its role yet when everything is rationalized it is also reduced to mere concepts and the deeper idea it reveals remains obscured. Here the ego is large and the soul is distant. Yet, we can choose to change, to reclaim the essence of this sacred idea and time. Redirecting our awareness to truly appreciate the rhythms and cycles of nature requires simply that we be quieter than usual and turn our attention to enter into its mystery. This is the gift of ceremony and now is a time when it can awaken a light in the heart that can shine through dark days over the course of the ensuing year. Rejoice! A new solar cycle is born. P.S. Comet Ison is predicted to be visible in the skies this week; may its light and presence prove to be yet another gift.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

The next phase of your steady rise to power has begun. Yet, in the short term at least, the focus is not so much on worldly power. The emphasis now is upon the spirit. What ‘spirit’ implies is for you to decide. Perhaps your focus is upon the spirit of family gatherings, or of adventure in nature, or of the spirit in nature. Either way, it is not about work so much as it is about play.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

The time has come to celebrate community, commitment and friendship. Yet, you may need a little help and perhaps an extra nudge to decipher exactly how. If so, take a moment to focus on your heart center and set a clear intention to think from there for a while. The main theme and focus is upon the power of collaboration and teamwork.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Woven within this time of year is a deep theme for you. It is when you are able more than any other time to dissolve all differences and to allow the healing spirit to come in. This year may prove extra special somehow in this regard. The greatest gift you stand to receive is that of true love, not solely familial, not necessarily romantic but an experience of something divine.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

With the Sun entering Capricorn, the focus will shift for everyone. For you it will bring greater emphasis to your most important relationships. Something of a philosophical mood, perhaps directed to healing and higher realities, will color some of your closest connections. This will include new twists and fresh experiences for the festive season.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Your mood is pragmatic. You feel moved to make extra efforts to achieve better results. Fortunately, your energy levels should be running pretty high. Creative inspirations are featured as is seeing a bigger picture. The time has come in your life to enter new territory. It is important you replace over analysis with deliberate action to establish a solid foundation.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

A cycle of creative leadership is about to rise to the next level. Ideally you have responded to the call to engage in a rather steep learning curve, which will continue. Spurred on by a growing ambition, you are determined to achieve measurable results. This will require that you be able and willing to multitask. Networking is also a likely feature of this focus.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

The focus shifts now to home and family. Even more than usual, you feel strongly about tradition. You would like to deepen bonds, but may not feel clear about what steps to take. Be careful not to impose expectations. Rather accept and embrace things as they are and whoever is actually present. See them as your family at this time for best results.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Ambitions to cover a lot of ground are rising. As though seized by visions of the future, you feel compelled to act upon them. Yet to succeed you may have to boldly go where you have not before. This implies inner work to overcome subconscious fears that might otherwise prevent progress. Intend to clarify your principles and priorities via sincere and deliberate dialogue.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

The next phase of your new foundation building process begins this week. Clearing the old to make way for the new remains a central theme. Some positive returns have been flowing in. These may be more of the spiritual sort than material. They may also include endings, departures and even deaths. Even so, there are many blessings to be received so be receptive.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

The Sun in your sign makes this a go ahead period over the next several weeks. Key connections and communications with other power players are featured. Some of these may be of the spiritual sort. Angels, spirit guides, departed ancestors, your higher self or other hidden helpers are examples. While clear goals and intentions help a lot, so too do prayers.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

The time has come to retreat for a while or at least take a break. Since yours is the paradoxical sign, this might imply less work and more play. This may well include an urge to socialize, ‘tis the season’ after all. Still, you will enjoy significant bouts of private and quiet time as well. Aim to strike a balance. Weave in some random acts of kindness and your spirit will soar.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The time has come to assert your sense of individual creativity more fully. You will feel quite serious about it. Your ambitions are at a peak right now. This is a good time for envisioning your goals and dreams backed by strategic planning. Your willingness to learn has and continues to be extra important in this regard. Avoid relying on friends if you can. Rather seek more objective sources, like coaches.


Michael O’Connor




*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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