Horoscope for the Week: December 27, 2013

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of December 27.

  • Dec. 26, 2013 6:00 a.m.

Tip of the Week:

On the eve of the New Year where January 1st marks the official Gregorian calendar start date of 2014, we find ourselves with many ‘balls in the air’. Comet Ison is certainly one of these and, potentially at least, the one of greatest interest and concern. While not unprecedented, we have not experienced anything quite like it in the modern era. There remain many questions about it. As well, it coincides with an important new theory in Astronomy and Cosmology. I am specifically referring to the Electric Universe theory. It stands to change our understanding of the physics of the cosmos and even provides fresh insights about gravity. The other is a reinterpretation of the constitution of comets, which is theorized to be rock and ores verses ice and dust and this theory is directly linked to the Electric Universe. As for Comet Ison, we should see it in the skies by now. Having virtually risen from the dead 3 hours after the announcement of its ‘death’ by NASA, Ison survived its graze of the Sun. Yet, it did apparently undergo some ‘damage’. The main body has been broken into many smaller pieces. It is also predicted that Earth’s orbit will pass through its tail in about mid-January, the source of a wide array of theories ranging from a delightful spectacle of meteor showers to more dire and sensational catastrophe scenarios. One source even referred to it as a sort of Star of Bethlehem due to its predicted reappearance on Christmas Eve. Astrologically, the planetary alignments do illustrate powerful themes of change and even of transformation. Hopefully these are more linked to the paradigm shift linked to the Electric Universe theory and not to actual physical events, at least regarding Comet Ison….  So, though time waits for no one and 2014 is about to begin, Ison is straddling the year date change and may literally bring it in with a bang, or two. Stay tuned….


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

With each new day, the drum beat grows louder. You can feel the power and it spells change. From a wider angle you are about mid-stride in this process. While there is an emotional, psychological and even spiritual core theme process underway your focus now emphasizes the material. Acknowledge the reality of all these levels to maintain a healthy balance.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

You are in a dynamic and determined mood generally. Yet, to achieve your objectives you need elbow room. You may take this in the way of seclusion to focus on your work, projects and ambitions. At worst you may feel estranged and misunderstood by others and them by you. Though your attitude and choices may prove unpopular, you yearn for support and agreement.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

A rather deep and sober time continues. However, it is also sprinkled with star dust and perhaps some fluffy snowflakes too. You may notice that your perceptions are extra lucid. At worst, you feel more impatient than usual. This may be because you are picking up on other people’s needs and emotions as well as your own. Set healthy boundaries and tend to your own emotional states.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Some of your more important relationships are taking on extra weight and gravity now. Yet, in this case the results stand to be quite positive. Opportunities to gain a clearer reflection of your self are implied. As well, these are likely to be of the more satisfying sort. The main thing to overcome is getting all wrapped up in others at the expense of maintaining your own center.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

A new rhythm and overall quality of discipline is being established in your life now. This is the ideal anyway because it is the ground of new perspectives, self-concepts and cultivations of personal power. The prospect of acknowledging and integrating these qualities may feel intimidating. To overcome this anxiety, simply take things one sure step at a time.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your creativity is likely expressed on a variety of fronts. Yet, each one stands to be quite deep and emphasizes the intricate details. The next chapter of your creative life has already begun. As valid and important as it is to help and serve others, it is time to direct more attention now at cultivating your own talents. These will eventually be directed to others anyway.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Certain experiences and encounters of late are striking some deep chords. These contain themes of emotional renewal. Interestingly, both your inner child and parent are being activated simultaneously. Consequently, you want to parent and be parented somehow. This is what happens among family sometimes. Trust this flow.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Sometimes it is important that we decipher whether to hold, fold, walk away or run, like now. Yet, it may be difficult to know how you feel about certain people and situations. It may take extra time and effort, but deciphering what you actually feel, need and want is important. To achieve this ask within, with confidence that you will get answers.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

A process of rebuilding or at least of strengthening the foundation of your sense of security has begun. You have likely come through some trying experiences linked to endings. It is also quite likely that this process will continue. Either way it will feel good and is wise to fortify your sense of security. Focus physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to achieve a whole sense of it.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

A growing ambition to get some extra attention is on your mind. To this end you are willing to be assertive and take the initiative. This includes reaching out to people of power and influence. Ideally you are willing to invest some time and energy into upgrading and/or training. Yet, be willing to sample if you can, before making long-term commitments.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Balancing outer social activity with inward retreat continues. In the bigger picture, the pace and momentum is probably quite steady and demanding. So, this presents an important window of opportunity to balance the scales. You may still want to get some work done behind the scenes, but moderation is advised at this time. Refill all your tanks.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The time has come to establish a new norm. This includes a steady and consistent learning curve which is destined to continue for the next several years. Compliance with this demand of destiny will produce abundance, health, happiness, confidence and creative prowess. Get clear on the results you want to achieve and commit, and do it now.


Michael O’Connor




*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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