Horoscope for the Week: January 10, 2014

Michael O'Conner's horoscope for the week of January 10

Tip of the Week:

As the momentum of 2014 builds, there are some potent planetary alignments adding to the pace. Mars and Jupiter crossed swords on January 8 contributing to a larger pattern involving Uranus and Pluto. As well, we are contending with a sequence of retrograde planetary activity involving the three main personal planets: Venus, Mercury and Mars and with Jupiter and Saturn, the social planets, as well. 2014 began with Venus Retrograde since December 21, 2013. Since the Winter Solstice Astrology Chart represents the spiritual themes slated to unfold over the course of the year, it represents an important theme. The main issue with Venus Retrograde is excessive materialistic values and attitudes. Thus these will come into question this year. Venus turns direct again on January 31, yet it will take until mid- March before it recovers its ‘shadow period’. This ‘recovery period’ is not as powerful as when the planet is actually retrograde but it does still contain some if its residual energy. Then on February 6 Mercury will turn retrograde in Pisces re-entering Aquarius on February 12 and will only turn direct again on February 28. The shadow period of Mercury will continue until about March 20. Meanwhile, on March 1st Mars turns retrograde and will remain so until May 19 and it will take until July 20 before it fully recovers from its shadow period. Saturn and Jupiter are tightly woven into this succession as well. Jupiter turned retrograde back on November 6, 2013 and turns direct again on March 6th, yet remaining ‘in the shadow’, until June 2nd. Finally, Saturn turns retrograde again on March 2nd and will remain so until July 20th and only fully recovers its ‘lost ground’ on October 31st. Altogether, this portrait reveals a dynamic, impulsive and assertive, even aggressive energy pattern reaching right through to mid-summer, yet is countered by the more introverted and restrictive expressions of planets when retrograde. Yes, 2014 is loaded with complexity.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

A sturdy march in 2014 for you describes the way the planetary alignments show. The pace is a consequence of both practical ambitions and brewing conflicts on relationship borders. You are unlikely to meet these with warmth and understanding that will cause you to yield. Even with the prospect of casualty, you are determined to persevere.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Balancing a determined and wilful pace with desires for space and freedom is setting the stage as 2014 gets underway. Aspirations to expand on all fronts remain important to you. Many interactions with others, some of whose ideas and philosophies clash with your own, is the real test. Honour your own individuality and make time for your own pursuits.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

On one hand circumstances reveal a sobering picture. On the other you feel playful and sporting. Your ability to weave these into a harmonious balance is a central challenge now. Changes in your lifestyle affecting your environment, or the other way around, or both, must be realistically acknowledged.  Approach this game like a competitive athlete determined to win.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Some major players making definite power moves must be contended with now. Fortunately, you are in an assertive mood and are determined to dig-in deep as necessary. Generally, you have reason to feel confident. Yet, avoid leaning on the status quo. The more willing and able you are to accept and embrace the steady flow of current changes the better.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Sober practicality describes the tone of you mood as 2014 gets going. The planetary picture suggests you are determined to advance your position. That you must give more than you might usually is the fine print. The results you seek, however, may not be as apparent as you might like. This is a call for faith. Set a clear intention to persevere all year with clear intentions to win big.



Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The pace of the game is challenging you to be a competitive player. A strong will to learn everything you feel you must and to confront fears of failure are a couple of the strategies required. As well, aim to expand your outreach and to nurture existing connections. Avoid over analysis and affirm you can and will do whatever it takes, as long as it takes.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

A good deal of activity close to home should be keeping you busy. Seeing your home, or at least a power zone within it, as your headquarters and/or office will help. Mars in your sign through to July 2014 will help you to overcome obstacles and enter new territory. Some of it is psychological which implies an inspiration and attitude upgrade.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

You are in the mood to cover a lot of ground now. This includes attending to an array of errands, tasks, projects and people. Be willing to move slower with others especially. You may not feel so sure about all of them and some may feel the same about future prospects with you. Communicate two and three times before making new commitments.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

Establishing new foundations and or behaviour rhythms replacing recently removed structures and patterns is the call now. However, you are wise to carefully consider the resolve and integrity of others with whom you may be associating these days. Take an experiential and experimental approach and reserve, secure or identify an exit point, just in case…


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

The determination to begin the year on a powerful note is likely. However, you are wise to review whether your reasons and ambitions match your true values. With Venus Retrograde everyone is being challenged to re-assess their priorities and with Venus in your sign it is especially important. Get training or re-training over the coming months for best results.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Making diligent efforts behind the scenes now is both likely and ideal. Aim to complete any undertaking or unfinished business now before spring arrives. Avoid procrastination and taking on other projects until what you have begun is done. Faithful and practical perseverance now will increase your confidence and scope of influence by summer especially.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Establishing the ground of new friendships and business associations is important now. Yet, there may be some delays until about mid-March anyway. Since your ambitions are running quite high these days, focus to clear-up unfinished business and/or to concentrate on work and creative projects to be ready for openings of opportunity a little later in the year.


Michael O’Connor




*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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