Horoscope for the Week: January 31, 2014

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of January 31

  • Jan. 30, 2014 11:00 a.m.

Tip of the Week:

The New Moon in Aquarius takes place on January 30 at 1:38 pm PST. This is the official moment of Chinese New Year… of the Wood Horse, even though the calendar usually marks it as the day after because China is so many hours ahead of us here in ‘the West’. The cycle of the Water Snake, which has been so powerfully transformational for so many, and difficult too, is finally over. Of course, this transformation may have proven very positive for some. The implications of any cycle are never pat. It all depends on the experience of each person: a rainy day could spoil the day at the beach for some but be exactly what the fisherman wants… As well, there are ever many cycles to consider. So every case must be approached on its own ground, as is true with medicine and many other aspects of life as well. This is certainly true in Astrological practice. Generally, the Wood Horse stands to be a very dynamic, ‘growth oriented’ and fast-paced year. In her popular book: Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes, Theodora Lau writes the following about the Horse in general: “I am the kaleidoscope of the mind. I impart light, color and perpetual motion. I think, I see, I am moved by perpetual fluidity. Constant only in my inconstancy, I am unshackled by mundane holds, unchecked by sturdy, binding goals. I run unimpeded through virgin paths, my spirit unconquered – my soul forever free.” This offers a hint about the overall flavour of the year. It is a poetic description I might lend to Mercury Retrograde…. So saddle-up and get ready for an exciting and probably wild ride. P.S. The mid-point of winter which is celebrated as Candlemas, or what is also called Imbolc and Groundhog Day, occurs on February 2nd.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

A strong assertion of your sense of individuality will be evident now. This may be a challenge for others. However, you probably want harmony and are making extra efforts to keep the peace. Practicality is part of your motivation; conflict is stressful and costly. Even a pioneer like you knows that it is wise to tread softly sometimes when entering new territory.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

You are at a peak in your cycle and should be getting all the attention you want and need. You are in a visionary mood and your sights are set on the future. Finances and investments are clearly featured in your bottom line. This includes strategic efforts to forge new alliances. Focus to clear any confusions and misunderstandings in your communications with others.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

A rush of imaginative thoughts and ideas are flowing now. You would like to be heard but may not know exactly how. Deciphering where you stand and how to best present yourself in the world feels extra important. Turning to teachers, mentors and guides is likely and ideal. Quality connections and shared expressions with friends now is a key to your success.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Contending with some of the deeper questions of life continues. Changes and possibly endings require sobering thought and action. These likely include finances, inheritances, taxes and/or wills and so on. Changes and improvements at home for a more efficient flow are featured. You are in a good position to get the support and attention you want, especially if you ask.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

A breath of new life is producing some excitement in your relationships. Inspired and energized, you are determined to respond assertively. Good thing too because it requires that you give more than usual. Something is ending and another is beginning. This may be stirring some fears, or at least some nervous excitement. Be proactive to realize your dreams.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

A busy cycle is underway. Yet, it includes inner work as well as outer. This implies overcoming fear, doubts, confusion, apathy, procrastination and/or limited thinking in general. As well, your focus could be upon clearing negative attitudes, behaviour patterns and/or blind spots, denials and deceptions in your relationships. Either way, ‘get her done’.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

On one hand you are in the mood to play and socialize. On the other hand you are moved to clean, clear, improve and beautify at home, and/or you need to attend to important family matters. You are in an assertive mood yet you also want to proceed cooperatively. Security is on your mind and this includes financial concerns and interests.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Home is where your heart is and you might wish that your body could remain there longer these days. This cycle will only last a few weeks so try to make the most of it. You want a change of pace at least and possibly of lifestyle altogether. It could all amount to simply needing some downtime and space. Get cozy, recharge and rejuvenate.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

Travels in body, mind, heart and/or soul are a source of excitement now. You are thirsty for knowledge and experience. Bored by conventional thinking and approaches, you could even be taking a ride on the wild side. Yet as willing as you are to cover a lot of ground, you would like to get paid as well. Clarify your goals and get inventive.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Financial ambitions, interests and possibly concerns are on your mind. Exchanging thoughts and ideas with someone who will listen is important to you. You want support and recognition from your ‘partners’ especially. As willing as you are to learn, you also want to be heard and to share your ideas, plans, schemes and dreams.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

You are in a pioneering mood. Yet, you do not want to go alone. Neither do you want to go with just anyone. At least you want the company of someone special, someone you love and who feels the same toward you. Recognition or fanfare is hardly necessary. In fact, you would rather remain below the radar. A romantic get-away would do nicely.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

A busy time behind the scenes where you want to get a lot done has begun. With your creative juices flowing so strongly, you could get impressive results. The turn now includes a desire for important and meaningful dialogue or correspondences with your partner(s). Ambitions to increase your income and improve your financial status in general are prime motivations.


Michael O’Connor





Author of the forthcoming book: 360 Degrees of Power

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