Horoscope for the Week: July 18, 2014

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of July 18

Tip of the Week:

On July 16th Jupiter entered the ‘sign’ of Leo (Tropical Zodiac). It will remain there until mid-August 2015, so just shy of 13 months. Jupiter is well placed, happy, playful passionate and prosperous in Leo. Yet, it could also prove to inflate an overall sense of drama in the world. Either way we can expect a very exciting cycle.


On July 22 the Sun enters the sign of Leo for its annual one month cycle and will also form an exact conjunction with Jupiter. This happens once every year but only once in the same sign every 11 or 12 years! In other words, the last time the Sun and Jupiter were conjunct in Leo it was late August 2003. That was the year when the U.S. went to war with Iraq and the world shuddered under the reality of Desert Storm. This provides a good example of the large scale drama that can synchronize when the fire planet of Jupiter is in the fire sign of Leo.


Since this is a Universal 7 Year, which implies initiation and ‘feeling the fear but doing it anyway’, we can expect examples of these sorts of themes. The radical uprising in Iraq is one example of the negative possibilities of this transit. Coupled with the major Cardinal Grand Square that peaked in mid-April and was then reactivated in late June, this violent uprising could well prove to be one of the ‘initiations’ suggested. That it at least indirectly challenges the rise of equality between the sexes suggests that it will fail, but not perhaps before causing a good deal more damage.


The Ingress chart for Jupiter, cast for the moment it entered Leo indicates themes of healing the balance of power. Revolution and drama is also implied. Part of the battle will be ideological and fought on the airwaves as public opinion floods the social media networks especially. Fasten your seatbelts; we are in for a wild and at times turbulent ride.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

You are in a crafty mood. Your focus is aimed at home and family and you want to create something new. The change you seek in the home environment, atmosphere and attitude includes more fun. This shift could at first produce more drama as you challenge the status quo. But if you take a playful approach to coax others to entertain your ideas you just might succeed.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Sometimes we have to pass through a series of gates and hoops to achieve our goals. Some of them may even be outright initiations. Either way, the first of these have begun. Now you find yourself challenged to persevere. There is no turning back. So show your resolve, draw more deeply on your talents and resources follow through.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Deepening your overall sense of security continues. This is leading you to pay closer attention to the details. Expect the pace to accelerate. New rounds of negotiation are featured. Diplomatic dialogue and debate will ensue. A distinct turn in what you deem valuable and important is implied. Get ready to cover a lot of ground.



Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You are in the mood to try something new. Clearing the way and making space at home may be required to accommodate your plans. Due to a cycle of rapidly changing moods, you may also want to think twice and cut once. Your imagination will be soaring though so you could really strike gold, figuratively and literally.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

The pace will quicken noticeably this week. In fact it could prove to be a very expansive, uplifting and opportune time. Better yet, it will be the launch of a cycle that will last about a year. The main caution is that this expansion is not of your waistline or ego. Positively, this is a go ahead time when you could win big.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Some cycles are more abundant than others, like this one. It is not necessarily monetary wealth, though it could be, but abundance can be measured in many ways. Still, you have to be in-tune and cooperate with the process. This begins with gratitude. Beyond that, joyfully and confidently increasing your network and exposure is a golden key.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Some promising seeds of growth have been planted in your public and/or professional life. By now these should at least be producing noticeable sprouts. Acquiring new knowledge, skills and tools is probable. This is also an assertive time and involves pioneering initiatives. These should bring measurable returns and a stimulated social life over the coming months.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

A lingering philosophical mood has inspired you to see a bigger picture. At best you feel a deepened sense of unity with others. This may be specifically true with your most significant other. This trend will continue, especially in the form of creative thoughts, ideas, visions and plans. Tune into this opportune cycle over the coming weeks.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

Tapping into your unlimited supply continues. This can include prosperity, confidence, inspiration, love and more. Yet, you must do your part to make room for it. This includes clearing the clutter. It may be clearing stuff from your living space, but it could include your habits, lifestyle and limiting thoughts, attitudes and self-concepts.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Some promising activations in your relationship life have begun. This likely includes family connections. Yet it will be up to you to take the lead to see these developments through. Key communications and clear intentions are implied. Make plans, set dates and establish correspondence. You will be glad you took the initiative.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Your world is beginning to open-up, wide. This should already be evident and be especially so over the coming few weeks. In the short-term, focus to ‘fertilize’ the ground of your aspirations. As well, be willing to plough through opposition such as apathy, self-doubt, limiting attitudes and perspectives and any negativity coming from others. In short, go for it!


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The next phase of a creative cycle is getting underway. Yet, it is also when you will have to get more seriously to work. The next twelve months or so could prove very productive and even find you advancing to the next level, or two or three. Yet you must put any doubt, fear, procrastination and lack of discipline aside. Begin it now.


Michael O’Connor




*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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