

Horoscope for the Week: June 20, 2014

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of June 20

  • Jun. 19, 2014 10:00 a.m.

Tip of the Week:

Summer officially begins at 3:51 am PDT on June 21st. It is conveniently marked by Summer Solstice the day when the Sun achieves its zenith in its annual cycle here in the Northern Hemisphere. More commonly we recognize it to be the day of the year when the hours and minutes of daylight are at their maximum. Since this cycle has been occurring for literally billions of years we tend to take it for granted, especially now in our modern technological era. Yet it is hardly an arbitrary event since life on our planet, including the human species, has literally evolved in the context of it. It is from Astrology that we get the notions of our distinct `nature`.

Most people relate to their `Sun Sign` and the characteristics given to it. Of course, we are all a unique blend of all the archetypes and this can be quite confusing for those less inclined to observe or acknowledge the character traits emanating brightly from those under each sign. Sometimes the characteristics are physically obvious while at others they are more psychological. As well, due to other influences, some are distinctly uncharacteristic of their sign. When this is the case the Natal Chart always plainly reveals why, when the principles of how Astrology are well understood.

Cancer is characterized as the most emotional, sentimental, family and security oriented sign of the Zodiac. Cancerians often possess an active, practical imagination guided by a strong adherence to reason for the sake of security and rationalized defence. Certainly, some will express these basic qualities more strongly than others. Empathy is another common characteristic especially for those with the Moon in Cancer which is commonly found in the Birth Charts of nurses.

P.S. The New Moon in Cancer occurs on June 27 at 1:08 am PDT. Happy Solstice!


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

You are ready or at least in the mood to begin projects that have likely been brewing on your mind for a while. This trend will continue and even increase over the coming weeks. Though you are covering a lot of ground and even diving deep in your mind, your body may be lagging behind. It will catch up by July. Meanwhile, measure twice now and cut once later.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Although a busy time continues, it will take a decidedly creative turn this week. The time has come to move beyond chores, tasks and errands and enter into a more inspired cycle. This feeling will become increasingly clear over the coming weeks and will continue for many months more. The main question now is to answer what dream ambition do you want to achieve.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Good health is a corner stone of feeling secure and the one you need to ensure now. While nutrition and exercise are obvious factors, feeling inspired is important too. Creative expressions of beauty will do the trick. Though your focus stands to be sharp now, don’t limit yourself to just one front. Variety is the Gemini spice.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

An expansive and exuberant cycle is on the rise. But first you have tasks to complete. These require close attention to detail and you may not feel quite up to it. This is probably especially true at home and late spring cleaning and even renovations are implied. Does it help to say it will be all over soon and the effort worthwhile? Trust and accept the flow.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

The urge to duck behind the scenes will become more evident starting this week. Quality time shared with family is quite likely. Either way, know that some rather deep psychological themes and issues may get stirred. Awareness is ever a key contributor to responding verses reacting. Fortunately, your energy levels should be up and you will enjoy familiar company.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your confidence levels may be vacillating these days and this could prove especially true this week. Some review and refinement in your public and professional life may be required. Reflection, review and constructive criticism are featured. Since this is destined to occur now, take it on but avoid taking it too personally.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Some significant initiatives and graduations are keeping you busy now. Altogether these could amount to a dizzying world wind of activity, but fun too. Whether sooner or later, they also stand to coincide with some soul searching as in who are you know and what constitutes clearly defined roles and goals. Answers will come though it could take a month or two.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

A rather deep, philosophical and perhaps zany cycle has begun. The good news is that it stands to be quite stimulating and provide moments of striking brilliance. You still may feel more inclined to listen more and speak less. Your private and secretive seed is getting extra stimulation. Investigations into mysteries and unanswered questions will prove enticing.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

A steady flow of outgo continues to make room for the new inflow. As cycles go, you should be experiencing a good deal of both these days. This is a major cycle that began almost two years ago and will continue through to the end of this year with even a few trickles next. The main thing is that you are flexible and make room for the new, in your heart and mind as well as home.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Some promising fresh starts on relationship fronts will become evident this week. These will stimulate your imagination in varied and intricate ways. A creative and even inventive streak will be activated. You may feel inspired or compelled to shake it up at home. One way or another you are ready for something new and the status quo must change.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Making needed improvements in you, and your living space continues. This is linked to both cultivating your talents and to increasing the flow of abundance. Finances are a likely focus in this regard, yet you may simply be seeking new inspirations. Either way, you want to create more beauty and experience increased stability in your world.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

A creative cycle has begun. Yet it will require that you be willing to go the distance and meet it wherever it asks. There may be a variety of fronts as well so get ready to cover a lot of ground. Fortunately, you are in the mood to venture a highway or two. Quality time shared with family and friends will prove uplifting. Anticipate some emotional manoeuvering as well.


Michael O’Connor


*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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