Horoscope for the Week: June 6, 2014

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of June 6

Tip of the Week:

Mercury is set to begin its next retrograde cycle from June 7 to July 1st. It begins its apparent backward motion in Cancer but will enter its own sign of Gemini on June 17th. When in Cancer, the usual challenges like miscommunication, delays, malfunctions of technology and so on will be especially noticeable. Yet, we may experience a reprieve of these ‘symptoms’ when Mercury re-enters Gemini where it is much more harmonious. So, we can expect something of a mixed bag of influences linked to Mercury retrograde beyond even the usual antics of this tri-annual cycle.

On June 23rd Venus will enter Gemini as well, contributing ‘her’ special attributes and talents to the mix. But Venus will not quite catch-up to Mercury while in Gemini before it re-enters Cancer on July 13th. Venus will only enter Cancer on July 18th and the two will only meet again in late October during Mercury’s next retrograde round. But while both the inner planets, Mercury and Venus, are in Gemini for that 3 week period, people are apt to feel more social, in-tune with the season and the many festivals and celebrations that will be occurring during this time.

Mars in Libra, where it has been since early December 2013 due to its retrograde cycle, will contribute to the overall social tenor implied. Although it will not be quite fast enough to form a harmonious and creative trine to Mercury, it will with Venus. However, it is Venus in Gemini which will be in hot pursuit of her celestial lover at least in terms of forming a trine aspect, the most auspicious in Astrology, on July 13th and under the light of the first Full Moon of the official summer season.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Your focus on matters close to home will get noticeably stronger this week. Amidst a busy cycle in general, your emotions are heightened and sentimentalities stirred. Yet you likely also have reason to feel good and your confidences continue to rise. Creating harmony based on mutual understanding and respect in your most intimate relationships remains a central theme.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Yours is the sign of multiple stream of income and this is probably quite apparent or at least on your mind these days. Now with Venus at home again in your sign (May 28 – June 23) you feel a strong desire to express yourself in beautiful and varied ways. This is where the emphasis on work shifts to expressions of art.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

The inspiration of new beginnings is guiding your choices. You are ready to enter new territory, ideally to enjoy quality time with your family. At deeper levels, the prospects of establishing a more reliable and secure flow remains a priority. The time is right to attain education or training. Or perhaps it is your health that requires your sober attention. Either way, just do it, now!


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Many thoughts and ideas are percolating in your mind. Notions or expansion, risk and perhaps adventure too are in this brew. Yet it may feel necessary to clear the clutter first. Whether it is in your actual living space or in your mind or both, get clear. Take action on your dreams and visions if simply by sketching a plan and outlining your to-do list.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Reaching out to stimulate your network of friends and key contacts continues. Re-connecting with family members is also featured. Meanwhile many promising ideas and creative projects are gestating in your imagination. It may take a couple of months before these seeds sprout, but now is the time to prepare the ground and sow.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The time is right to get some extra attention in your public and/or professional life. This window of opportunity will be open for the next few weeks. Don’t let Mercury Retrograde slow you down. Just be extra diligent in your communications and avoid assumptions. As well, review all you have ever done professionally and successfully and blow your horn confidently.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Paying attention to the details of the bigger picture is important now. This will help you navigate an otherwise confusing period that could leave you feeling a bit lost. The time is right to push through apathy and inertia. As well, decipher what others have that you need and be willing to ask for support if necessary. You have probably banked a lot of favours so use some now.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

As much as you want to move on or forward, you may still feel like you are at a crossroads. Ideally you are at least confronting inner doubts, fears and confusion. What you may be clear about is that you want more of what feels good. But what is the best means of getting what you want? Get ready for another round or research investigation and perhaps some soul searching.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

The pace of change in your world has been steadily accelerating. It is affecting your regular routine and perhaps even your entire lifestyle. Trust and acceptance, adaptation and perhaps some sincere prayers will help see you through. You may well find yourself digging deeper for answers this week and into your stash of hidden talents, resources and reserves.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Casting a constructively critical eye towards you daily rhythm is in focus this week. Your perspectives and attitude may require some review. The objective is to see yourself and the world, and in the world, in a more empowered light. Yet, you must be willing and effective in your efforts to make a few adjustments. This will provide the foundation for key investments that are on your mind.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

You have entered a creative and dynamic cycle. This is your opportunity to catch-up on any lost ground over the past several months. Establishing a more grounded, practical and aesthetically pleasing environment will inspire your focus. Cooperation remains a key word and your success will be best achieved by collaborative efforts.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Centering your focus on home and family is likely now and over the coming weeks. It is also a time to both express and refine some of your best talents. Circumstances will require you to be flexible and versatile to meet the demand on a variety of fronts. Your ambitions and drive remain quite high and you stand to achieve a lot both personally and professionally.


Michael O’Connor




*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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