Horoscope for the Week: March 21, 2014

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of March 21

  • Mar. 24, 2014 4:00 p.m.

Tip of the Week:

Spring is more than in the air, it is in the atmosphere. (March 20, 9:57 am PDT.) As Earth orbits the Sun, which is perceptually experienced as the Sun orbiting the Earth, at 29.78 km/second (significantly faster than the speed of any bullet) along with its 23.4 degree tilt and an axial rotation at an average rate of 1,675 km/hour (465 meters/second), it undergoes a steady polar gyration producing our experience of the ever-changing, cyclic flow of seasons.

Since we follow an elliptical orbit at an average distance of 147 million km or 150 million km when we are closest to the Sun and 152 million when furthest away, we are never at the same distance away at any given moment in a year. And ironically, when the Earth is furthest away it tilts directly towards the Sun producing Summer Solstice yet when closest it tilts exactly away from the Sun to produce Winter Solstice. Spring and Autumn Equinox are the in-between points, when the tilt is right in the middle and when day and night are of equal duration.

The entire process is simply complex. Fortunately, this flow is gradual and relatively smooth. This steady yet ever changing spin, cycle, tilt, gyration, speed, angle and distance produces the ever-changing flow of seasons, weather patterns and distribution of sunlight. Photographers especially appreciate this fact. These natural cycles present an example of how significant our actual experience of the cosmos is from here on earth. It is also worth noting that life on earth evolved in this context.

Although we may ‘know’ that the Sun is the center of the solar system, it is not a fact we have ever or will ever actually experience. Although we call it a fact, it remains an intellectual abstraction. The Earth does orbit the Sun, but that is not our experience of it, in fact just the opposite and our experience of this consuming reality is very subjective. Not only do you the observer influence the experiment, you are an integral, intrinsic and purposeful part of it. Astrology measures this fact very well and serves to bring your subjective purpose to greater objective awareness for you.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

The change of season is activating you. Inspired, you want to take new leads. Checking in with your partner(s), friends and/or other key players is extra important this time. Doing so may require concentrated effort. This will not always be the case but it is now. Increase cooperation efforts for best results.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Like tremors prior to a volcanic eruption you can literally feel the energy and power percolating within. Managing your time carefully, being sure not to over commit and deciphering the line between give and receive are important strategic considerations. Acquiring specific tools and skills and calibrating both your focus and attitude are all featured themes.



Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

What makes you the individual you are? Now is the time to both ask the question and express the answer. You may wonder about what constitutes your most effective role and/or where your best place is in the world. Circumstances these days may be requiring that you make some very definite sacrifices. Have faith; resurrection quickly follows crucifixion.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Your higher mind called, hopefully you received the message. Now it is time to take more deliberate action. Tensions are rising, but these may also be passions. You feel both excited and nervous. Things are shaking close to home. You want them to and are taking a lead. Cooperation from significant others is important and you are not asking…!


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

It is time to go big. Your energy levels may be wavering but are probably higher than not. You have likely been undergoing a lot of changes and it has not been easy. Still, you have a lot to say these days and you are determined to be heard.  You want and perhaps need the cooperation of others. The time is right to collaborate. Let your ideas and visions flow.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

A passionate and determined cycle has begun. You are ambitious and in more ways than one. While you want to advance you also want to overcome. This cycle will require your full attention, awareness and will to act independently. While cooperation is ever wise, avoid passive attitudes of reliance and expectation. It’s your turn to bat and the team is counting on you.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Something new is brewing in your relationships and it looks exciting. Whatever is happening, you are destined to play an active role. This includes a creative and assertive approach. Yet other players are also pitching to you. Though your confidences are rising, you remain somewhat cautious. This is probably a good thing. Keep a sharp eye on the ball.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

The anti is suddenly going up. Others are seeing your bid and raising it. The question now is whether to see it and raise it yourself or whether to hold or fold… walk away or run. You are allowed to bluff. Recognizing that it is all a game and seeing the beauty in it will help you decide. Consider that learning is winning and playing is life.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

You are in a playful and provocative mood. However you do it, you will challenge the status quo. You want to experience the unconventional; normal and predictable will simply not do. If you have one condition it is that there is beauty to appreciate. It could be scenery, bodies perhaps or beautiful minds at least. Spring is here and you want some excitement.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

You are in the mood to take command, or perhaps you simply want to go commando. Getting to the bottom of things, you are hardly in a conservative mood. Some passions are not so easily satisfied, like this one. You feel compelled to take some extra measures or perhaps peel off some inhibitions. All this may happen in the privacy of your home. It’s your turn to have a party.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Many new ideas, perspectives and realizations are rolling in. Not simply of the intellectual sort, you can feel these thoughts with all your senses. You may translate them as sexual feelings.  Either way, they are leading you to be more assertive. This will require more freedom than usual. Express your beauty for all to see and the lucky ones to feel.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The drums are beating harder and louder now and so is your heart. Your ambitions are stirred and you feel excited. You are getting ready to enter new territory…again. Creating new possibilities for self-expression, the cultivation of talents and perhaps for some measurable returns is leading your focus.


Michael O’Connor




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