Horoscope for the Week: May 2, 2014

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of May 2

Tip of the Week:

The New Moon in Taurus on April 28 was a Solar Eclipse. These moons are described by some as ‘super moons’. The seeds they sow contain a much bigger charge than a regular New Moon. Each sign will generally feel the impact over the next month and especially by the time of the Full Moon on May 14. Yet, it is also said that the waves from a Solar Eclipse continue to roll in, at least in the wake of our personal lives, until the next eclipse season which this year occurs in October.

The exact degree of this eclipse was 8 Taurus 52. The impact is increased significantly when the eclipse makes close aspects to sensitive points in our Birth Chart. The nature of the influence depends on the nature of the aspect. Generally, the Fixed Signs, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio stand to feel the effects most strongly. Yet, people with planets or angles at 6 to 10 degrees of any sign will experience the effects.

That these powerful events have coincided with the Grand Cross that has received so much attention, add to the degree of impact implied. As ever, there are many cycles at play. This one is ‘generic, as in a collective weather pattern, so to speak, just as is true of the eclipses. How it will manifest depends on how it connects with each individual’s chart. The Grand Cross (Square) occurred at 12 degrees of the Cardinal Signs, so people with planets and angles at 9 to 15 of any sign especially will experience the ‘influence’ most strongly.

Thus there is an overlap between these two formations. Regarding the Grand Cross, the true power in it is actually the square aspect between Uranus and Pluto, which began in summer 2010 and will continue until January 2016. To truly understand these influences, we have to step back and see the bigger picture since their bigger impact is better understood from a global, social, political and economic perspective. The revolution of evolution is an old story, but these configurations do indicate a spike in the graph. The implications of these are woven into the interpretations for each sign and have been for many months.

There is an archive of previous Horoscopes on my website and the Horoscopes for 2013 and 2014 which offer a wider perspective are there as well. Check them out to see the trends. As well, my free monthly New Moon Newsletter offers even more insight yet. An archive of it is also on my website and sign-up for both are free. Stay tuned for more to come.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Your concentration and focus are deepening. Your sights should now be clearly set on realistic plans and action. This is the follow through period on what was initiated last month. You have reason to feel confident about your progress so be sure to celebrate all advances so far lest you remain ever unsatisfied. Then prepare to explore your next prospects of expression.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

The gates are wide open and the bull unleashed. Thought the full measure of your charge may have been delayed the momentum is building steadily. This trend will continue over the coming weeks. Your ‘to do’ list will be full and diverse. Concentrate now to establish a secure foundation and strategy to build upon.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Making plans and getting things done behind the scenes is a good strategy now. As exciting as this time of the year is, you are wise to use it to recharge your batteries. Intend to soak in the beauty, to be inspired and to simply be. It is quite possible that your next major focus of destiny is being downloaded now. Be open to receive it and take note.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Who and what do you love and why? This sort of question continues to linger in your mind. Making key investments is also on your mind. These may be of the emotional communicative sort as much as of the practical. Finding new ways and means to express your thoughts and feelings and your ideas and ambitions too is the next task.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Business is squarely on your mind. For you this may well include performance, and/or production and direction. Looking for how to make improvements is featured. The focus will turn progressively to artistic and cultural expressions. Whether you are in the lead, playing a performing role at least or a spectator, this is your cue.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You are beginning to see a bigger picture. It includes building upon a new quality of thinking, expression and communication. What kind of impression about you do you want to linger in the minds of others?  In this day and age this is an important question. While humility has it place so does efficiently and effectively presenting your best.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Exchanges of talents, finances, feelings and resources in general are a current theme. A growing attraction to what others have to offer is on your mind. While you may not yet be ready to take direct, deliberate action, you are open to shopping around. This is time of contracted expansion, as in building your core… body, awareness and resolve.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Budding relationships interests and perhaps even romance are on your mind. To succeed now you are wise to be the one to make the first move. You have likely already established a rather serious momentum in this regard. Now it is time for the next phase. Look to the future and be willing to go big. Build a platform for your dreams.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

This is the dawning of the Age of Sagittarius…. Okay maybe not, but it might as well be at least in your world. Yet, sometimes it is darkest just before the dawn. On the other hand you are probably already seeing the light of the new day. Success includes confronting fears and laying claim to the gifts, treasures and talents that are surely there within.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

A creative momentum continues to build. It will inspire you to produce acts and works of beauty. This includes removing what already exists and replacing it with the new. So, yes you will have to disrupt the status quo, perhaps especially at home. More importantly, this shift may have to occur within you to produce the results you seek.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Establishing a new base of operations close to home is a main focus now. It will include and likely require changes in your point of view. It is all part of a process of breaking free. From who and/or what is the other question. Consider that it may be from some of your own habitual perspectives, attitudes and expectations. Open to honest communications within and without.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

A busy time with places to go and people to see is keeping you occupied. Ardent ambitions are keeping your focus strong, even though there are many fronts to consider. Activating new streams of income, taking alternate lines of approach and following fresh leads are featured. Creative diversity is a core theme and a key to success.


Michael O’Connor




*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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