Sunstar Astrology

Sunstar Astrology

Horoscope for the Week: May 30, 2014

Michael O'Connor's horoscope for the week of May 30

  • May. 29, 2014 12:00 p.m.

Tip of the Week:

The New Moon in Gemini occurs on May 28 at 11:40 am PDT. Though the Sun entered the ‘sign’ of Gemini, not the constellation (no they are not the same thing though both are ‘Zodiacs’ = circle of life), on May 20th at 7:59 pm PDT, the deeper effects begin at the time of the New Moon. Both constitute different cycles which overlap. Of course, there are always many overlapping cycles and deciphering each and their influence is core to the art of interpretation. As for the Gemini theme under this New Moon cycle, the emphasis is upon communication and especially upon mutuality, equality and fairness in relationships.

This is all part of a much larger cycle, the one linked to the recent Cardinal Grand Square. Yes, it continues to linger. What may be less commonly understood is that its roots reach back all the way to the mid-sixties! That is when the current thrust of the women’s liberation revolution germinated. Over the past 50 years or so that revolution to achieve gender equality has grown into a mature tree and it continues to generate many new seedlings year after year. Yes, the steady evolution of modern civilization includes nothing short of complete equality between the sexes in every respect. It does not take a lot of insight to see this occurring. Yet, this reminder of its roots comes at a pivotal time.

So, this theme of equality is alive and well but many remain confused about it and challenged by it. This is especially true generally speaking of the male gender. While the women assert and rise to new positions of power and authority, men are challenged to yield. To some this may be regarded as the opposite of what nature intended. However, when we consider that we each are comprised of male and female energies, as with the principles of Yin and Yang, which are found in every atom let alone every person, we can begin to understand that gender equality is not simply the new norm; it is the true balance of nature. As a result of this revolution a genuine state of equality is emerging and this will foster higher levels of justice than humanity has ever seen in recorded history. Yes, in this micro moment we see the reflections of macro movements.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

A flood of new thoughts and perceptions are filling your mind. It’s time to tie-up loose ends. Many of these are centered on home, garden and family. You are ready to make a few improvements. It will feel good to tend to long-awaited projects. You will likely invest to build. Gaining the cooperation of significant others will prove important.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Tending to multiple streams and fronts continues. In fact, you may find yourself adding a few more to the list. The prospect of expressing your thoughts and feelings in beautiful and varied ways is inspiring. Yet your ability to focus on one project at a time may prove extra challenging. Your clear commitment and patient resolve will prove extra valuable now.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Your energy levels are rising. This is helping you to build your momentum. Plans made weeks or even months ago are now in motion. A focus on family and security are tightly woven. Yet, it may seem like you have to give more than usual. Still, you are keen and determined to take new leads and initiatives. Energy invested equals energy earned.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You are generally in an expansive cycle in your life. This trend will continue. But now is a good time to re-charge and restore your energy levels. Summer has not yet officially begun and your spring chores and errands are likely done or almost. While it may prove best to avoid starting new projects, creative attention given to existing ones should prove invigoration.


Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Forging new connections, friendships and alliances continues. These will inspire and perhaps require you to obtain new tools, techniques and methods. The more willing and able you are to comply and adapt the better. This may require that you access hidden reserves of faith and confidence, again. Take a deep breath or two, re-center and persevere.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

New leads and directions in your public and professional life are underway. A pioneering attitude and approach is a key to your success. The time remains good to ask for earned rewards and favours. Increasing the scope and quality of your network for the sake of practical, creative collaborations and longer term objectives is especially important.


Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

What constitutes your best investments and where are they best directed? These and other such questions are playing on your mind. All forms of energy output count, not just money. Sometimes, we need what others have. This can include their talents and resources and sometimes the best way to obtain them is to emulate their choices and actions.


Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

The time has come to make some sober and perhaps serious choices. ‘Should I stay or go’ may be a big question on your mind. This one of those times when your ability to hear the voice of your heart is extra important. Your truth may not be that of others and pleasing all the people is simply not reality. Heed your heart to free your mind.


Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

Some new action on relationship fronts is getting the press on your headlines. Yet, your intuitions are telling you to proceed with some caution. Just because you speak the same language as others it does not mean you understand each other. You may have to give more than usual to succeed and be the one to adjust to the situation, but it may be worth it.


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Key communications of late are leading you to reconsider your approach. It is all a part of a steady learning curve that began late last year. How can you shift your perspective to improve your business and/or your lifestyle? The time is right to reconsider things and this trend will continue over the coming weeks. Review to refine.


Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

The time has come to take some creative initiatives. Commitment is a key word now and will be over the coming months. Only you know what the commitment is to. Creating beauty, comfort and a sense of security in your home is a likely area of focus. The deeper silver lining includes creating a space and atmosphere that feels empowering for all who live there.


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Opening new lines of communication with family and friends is an important theme now and will be over the coming weeks. It is a feature of deeper levels of change that are occurring within you. Old relationship associations are ending and new ones are rising to take their place. At least the usual patterns are changing. Trust this flow and share your thoughts and feelings.


Michael O’Connor


*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*

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