Tip of the Week:
Summer is under way. Looking back we came through the great and in some cases dreaded Cardinal Grand Square. Some were very much affected by it while others did not notice a thing, at least not in their life. But they might have noticed it in the lives of others, if they knew what they were looking for and appreciate the synchronicity factor. People with planets somewhere between 10 and 18 degrees or so of Cardinal Signs will have experienced the direct ‘influence’ of thus of changes in their life.
Astrology illustrates that there most certainly is a rhyme and reason, time and season to things. It can be described as an inner intelligence, purpose and plan if you like. Some call it destiny. Although this is quite evident and even measurable and demonstrable, mainstream academia rejects it. Thus so too do ‘the masses’. Even the most educated people can be very dogmatic assuming that their perspectives are purely objective.
Over the next 10 days or so the Sun will trigger and thereby re-activate the Cardinal Grand Square. So, it will provide another shift or series of synchronistic events producing measurable changes, especially for those with planets at those degrees. In fact this will be true if you have any planets or angles within these degrees but will prove especially potent if they are in Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. You can prove it for yourself by looking at your own Astrology chart to see if you have planets in Cardinal Signs and if so ask yourself if some major, life changing events have and are now occurred. Stop believing or not, take a scientific approach and put it to the test. Casually relegating the synchronicities to the coincidence dustbin is just that, but don’t call it science or sincerity. Summer has begun and the temperature is rising, and so too is the bar.
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
New thoughts, ideas and perceptions have been seeded and have now begun to gestate in your mind. These are directly linked to home and family. At best you feel more confident than ever. Yet there are some challenging bits to contend with as well. These are linked to achieving a new balance and/or quality of fairness in your most intimate relationships.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)
Just when you might have thought things would slow down, they are actually speeding up! Yet you are challenged to focus more deliberately now, thought the task of tending to a variety of fronts remains. This means that you must continue to work hard and put in the extra time. Call it the final push through the finish line… for the current round anyway.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
Creating and/or realizing a new state and quality of abundance and security continues. Inspired expressions of art and beauty will support the first feature of this flow. The other will be achieved by clear and acknowledged expressions of gratitude. Deciphering what makes you special is directly linked to focusing to share your gifts and these will produce more abundance and so on….
Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)
You are like a racehorse out of the gates. The only trouble is that you may not be clear about the objective of the race or the best direction to take. Still, you are willing to go big and take leaps and bounds and risks too. Beyond winning, as important as it can be, the main goal is to do what you do well, in fact, better than ever.
Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)
You have taken a plunge into deeper waters. Hardly hot springs, they are cool, even frigid, but probably refreshing as well. There is also the intimidation of not being able to see the bottom. So your challenge is to have faith that you can dive deep, without obstruction, and that you will resurface again. Still, consciously managing your breath will help, a lot.
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
New plans born of deep visions that have suddenly come to light are yours to enjoy now. You may even choose to formulate these into more practical endeavors. Either way, you are about to enter into a very creative cycle. Yet, it will require faith, discipline and intelligence to achieve your objectives. P.S. Go big!
Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)
A whirl wind of activity continues to keep you busy. This is especially true in your public and professional life. And this week you can expect some very powerful activations. Fortunately you are in an assertive mood. Cultural activities and travel are featured. You want to explore, experience and experiment and your imagination is leading you onward.
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)
Nurturing new visions and philosophies has begun. Some of these may well be linked to inventions. And it may be a process of re-inventing yourself that is at stake. In other respects, you may simply be awed and amazed at the genius of others and of life in general. In any case, you appreciate the intricacies and are focused on the details of the design.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)
The next phase of clearing the old to make way for the new has begun. By now this has become the new norm. Still, the next phase has begun and it is a pretty deep one. Now you must purge some old beliefs and self-concepts, but they may also be just old fantasies and illusions. Is there anything you feel attached to, but upon reflection is simply not worth it?
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)
Something new has begun in your life. It is something inside of you, or in your home and family. As exciting as it may be, it may also be the source of some disruption. The status quo will change as a consequence and this has already begun. Now what you need is some instruction so you know what to do and how to do it.
Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)
The time has come to make some important adjustments and improvements. These are directly linked to your repertoire of talents. As important as are reason and logic, intuition and imagination must play key roles too. This challenge will compel you to conduct research and investigation. Yet allow room for creative brainstorming as well for best results.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
You are in the mood to have some fun. You want to play and this includes others. And you feel ambitious and determined as well. Like an enthusiastic child at an amusement park, you want to do it all and you mean business. While strategy, decision making and follow through are implied, avoid thinking too much and just do it.
Michael O’Connor
*Affirmation*Inspiration*Vision* Strategy*