I hope our new hospital has a maternity ward

Here we go starting out another month and a lot colder too. But at least it’s more like winter.

Here we go starting out another month and a lot colder too. But at least it’s more like winter. Most of the lakes have frozen over. We were all thinking it was going to be an open winter.

Now it’s colder it just might make it a bit safer for the walkers as the ice may stick to the snow as the ice has been disaster for so many.

Moose story

I have always enjoyed writing stories about animals both tame and wild as well. I have a couple here in my mind that are interesting I think. The first is many years ago and it’s a moose story. It was an early fall day and hunting season was open. It was very early in the morning and I was on the way to milk the cows and I noticed a moose standing beside the ferry dock.

There was something hanging from its jaw and I really could not figure what it was. So I milked the cows and dropped the milk at the house and went down to see the moose.

As I walked down to the lake the moose started to walk to the shore to meet me. I got closer and I noticed it was its lower jaw hanging down. It had been shot. It was in rough shape and in trouble. I ran up to the house and got the rifle and ran down again. It was a cow moose and she kept walking to meet me. Ellis Christy was on the ferry so he ran down to help. The moose stopped about 20 feet away. Ellis took my rifle and dropped her. I could see the poor thing was wanting help. Some hunter had shot and broken her jaw that’s what was hanging down. I got a rope on her and my saddle horse pulled her into shore.

I thought about this for a long time as she was suffering and was coming to me for help. At least a number of the families were able to have fresh meat.

New hospital

Last week I happened to go past our new hospital, it’s some building. A shot in the arm for Burns Lake this will really put our town on the map. Let’s hope we are going to have a maternity ward in our new hospital, I think we deserve one, don’t you?

During the years that I was in the taxi business I was called in for many accidents. Some were bad and some not so bad but bad enough for a trip to the hospital and Dr. Holmes.

I got him up many times for a birth or broken bones most anything you would call an accident. Two bad ones on the Southside which

I had to get a special ferry for. The cost was $3 a trip as this was the little ferry. One was a young man who is now long gone. It was in the fall and he was hand hacking ties, his axe slipped on a frozen log and split his foot between his big toe and the second one, almost to the arch.

The message said he is bleeding to death come quick and I did as soon as the ferry came. He was covered in blood so I was able to shut it off and head for Dr. Holmes. I helped the doctor get the young man on the table and saw the mess.

The family were not in yet. They were short of nurses so I was kind of Joe boy. I was worried he would lose his foot but Dr. Holmes told me don’t you worry Hugh I’ll fix him up and he did as in a week the kid was on the mend.

The next trip was also across the lake at Danskin and the man was hurt bad.

He was stuck on the hill and was putting on his chains and his Jackall jack slipped out and trapped him under.

There were some helpers waiting for me and there were enough to lift the back end off him. At that time I had a station wagon and we could lay him down in the back on a mattress.

Again I had got Dr. Holmes and he was waiting for me. This patient had broken some ribs and he had some bad cuts but the doctor was able to help him and he came out a sadder but wiser man.

Never trust a bumper jack anytime they can be very dangerous. Through the many years of the taxi business I got to know Dr. Holmes as a friend and as our doctor.

He liked to visit too and we became close friends for many years. I have some more stories next week.

Old saying

There is a quotation that says “As the days lengthen the cold strengthens.” Sure sounds like they hit it on the head this month. More like winters we are used to.

Old book

Sometimes I get the urge to shake out some of my old boxes of stories and old history. Last week I shook one out and a little book called ‘The homecoming of Evesham’ dated 1968.

This is Saskatchewan my old home town. My mother had given it to me as a gift. A very interesting story of our family and a picture of us all.

This was a slip-up on my part as for nearly 50 years that book has been in a box of cuttings. My dad took up the Evesham Valley, also called the Eyehill, in 1908 with his brother Will and his wife.

They passed away very young. Dad then was sole owner. Both Peter and I grew up in Evesham. Lots of good things and lots not too good but that’s past history.

We both have wonderful memories of our growing up years in Saskatchewan and the Eyehill. It was a good place for growing up.

An old cowboy’s advice

Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in and good judgement comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. How true.

Always remember God loves you a great deal and so do I, try me sometime.


Burns Lake Lakes District News

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