Eddy Cliffe let's a 'whoo!' after taking his daily plunge into Discovery Passage. Cliffe is swimming every day through February at the old boat ramp on the Tyee Spit. Come down at 3:15 p.m. daily and help support Cliffe's cause: The Campbell River Food Bank.

Eddy Cliffe let's a 'whoo!' after taking his daily plunge into Discovery Passage. Cliffe is swimming every day through February at the old boat ramp on the Tyee Spit. Come down at 3:15 p.m. daily and help support Cliffe's cause: The Campbell River Food Bank.

In honour of Jake

Campbell River man swims in memory of his late cousin in a month-long food and fundraiser for the local Food Bank

Eddy Cliffe bows his head in prayer, asking for strength and the support of his late cousin “Polar Bear” Jake Hebenton.

“I think Jake’s looking down at us,” says Cliffe, 34.

Hebenton died last September in a tragic ATV accident at the young age 22. A decade earlier, he supported the Food Bank with daily swims in Discovery Passage.

And now, this month, Cliffe is carrying on the dream started by his first cousin. Every day in February, at precisely 3:15 p.m., Cliffe does a quick dip into the cold water by the old boat ramp on the Tyee Spit.

He’s asking the community to come out and watch, and support him through donations of cash and food for the Food Bank.


Campbell River Mirror