It’s time to make death wait

Please give generously when Heart and Stroke Foundation Volunteers come calling this February

Heart disease and stroke take one in threeCanadians before their time. And it is the number one killer of women in Canada, taking more female lives than all cancers combined.

While those numbers are shocking, there is good news for Canadians. It’s possible to change the odds against heart disease and stroke. It’s possible to Make Death Wait.

How? By taking action to reduce the risk factors that are within your control. That means factors like high blood pressure, eating an unhealthy diet, being physically inactive, smoking or being overweight.

Nine out of 10 people have at least one risk factor, and 40 per cent have three or more.

The Heart and Stroke Foundation website,, is full of information and tools to help Canadians understand their individual risk factors and start making changes. For example, the newly updated Heart and Stroke Healthy Weight Action Plan is a personalized, step by step online program that helps you assess your current eating and activity habits, setting goals and taking steps to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Go to URL/TK to take the first steps.

And another way Canadians can make death wait ? By donating to the Heart and Stroke Foundation during the annual Heart Month campaign this February.

Every donation to the Heart and Stroke Foundation supports investment in life giving research, advocacy, health promotion and education programs. It’s all aimed at reducing the impact of heart disease and stroke, and helping Canadians live longer, fuller lives.

Please give generously when Heart and Stroke Foundation Volunteers come calling this February.

You can also support online at or by calling 1 888 HSF INFO (1 888 473 4636).


Clearwater Times