Jesus is not influenced by anyone’s opinion

There is no one who has been more wrongly talked about than Jesus Christ.

  • Aug. 2, 2013 8:00 p.m.

There is no one who has been more wrongly talked about than Jesus Christ. From the time of his arrival, people have guessed, assumed and imagined things about him that could have been set straight if they had simply gone to him and asked. I have heard many errors about Jesus from people who have never read the Bible for themselves.

In Jesus’ day, one group of people refused to believe he was their promised King, saying: “Does not the scripture say that the Messiah comes from Bethlehem, the city of David? But this man is from Galilee.”  It’s too bad they didn’t take the time to ask him where he was born.

This scenario plays itself out every day, not only with Jesus, but with others. How many of us have believed something wrong about someone else simply because we heard it from a “friend” or because we assumed, but failed to “do unto others as we would have them do unto us” and test its accuracy?

Thankfully, Jesus is not influenced by anyone else’s opinion about you and me. While others may look at our outward appearance, Jesus sees our hearts and minds. As the Great Physician he came to heal our broken-hearts. As the Good Shepherd, he came to seek and save his sheep that have gone astray. As Savior, he came to rescue us from the destructive grip and eternal penalty of our sins.

Jesus was scorned because he cared for those who were low on the opinion scale of others. But since he cares for each of us, regardless of what others may think, let’s grant him the same kindness. Read about Jesus for yourself. Go to the Bible and check out his words and actions, his heart and mind. Form your own opinion. You will be glad you did.


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