Keep the labels and stamps coming

Eleven members of the United Church Women answered the Roll Call at our Feb. 1 meeting in the church hall.

  • Feb. 7, 2011 12:00 p.m.

Eleven members of the United Church Women answered the Roll Call at our Feb. 1 meeting in the church hall.

President Lynn Lancaster welcomed everyone and led us in the Devotional. She first read what a devotional is – words of encouragement, something positive and uplifting. Her devotional was taken from Dear Lord, They Want Me to Give the Devotional by Schoeder and Groth. The scripture was Romans 8:22 about how God helps us as we live our daily lives – if one door closes another opens. We can’t live in the past, we must move forward. She closed with prayer.

Many events are coming up in February and March. We planned details of one member’s 90th birthday coming up. Also discussed the Annual Friendship Tea on Feb. 15 from 2-4 pm. Posters and a notice in The Journal’s Coming Events will let people know the details. Watch for those. We all brought Valentines to give to the residents of Jackson House at the hospital for their use.

We will be hosting the World Day of Prayer on March 4 at 7 pm in Zion United Church, 401 Bancroft. The women of Chile prepared the service. There will be a guest speaker with first hand knowledge of the lives of these women. Special refreshments will be served afterwards.

The correspondence was then dealt with and information of news from the Canadian Bible Society, Action International and Naramata Centre was noted.

Reports were given and Dixie Sydia, our Sunshine Lady, sent out quite a few cards to those needing a word of comfort or birthday greetings to those celebrating a birthday. “Our Daily Bread” booklets for the month of March, April and May were distributed.

Reta Robertson reported many Campbell soup labels were given to her also. The used postage stamps box was filling up. These items help with our outreach program which helps with children’s ministries in other parts of Canada. A big thank you to all who continue to keep us supplied with these items.

Our annual Bean Supper will be March 14 from 5-7 pm in our church hall. Watch for posters and a notice in Coming Events of The Journal on this.

At this point we paused for refreshments.

Information for STATS was given to be sent to the President of BC Conference about our group to update their records.

Three of our Soups On volunteers attended a pot luck for all the volunteers of Soups On held at the Anglican hall on Jan. 24. It was great to meet with others taking part in this weekly event.

Shirley Dobson spoke briefly about the Land mines dinner coming up March 1 at the Legion hall. Zion United is working with Rotary and the Legion on this. Watch for posters and times in The Journal’s Coming Events.

Next meeting is March 1 at 2 pm in our church hall. All ladies who may be interested are welcome to join us or come as a visitor. See you at the Friendship Tea.

We closed by repeating the U.C.W. Benediction.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal