The Kiwanis Club served up one of their famous pancake breakfasts, as part of the Canada Day festivities in Memorial Park. Pictured here from left are, Rob Gold, Darlene Tryon, Leo Kolodychuk, Tom Jacques, Mairi Robertson, Lilwen Kolodychuk, Gail Mulloy and Irene Johnston.

The Kiwanis Club served up one of their famous pancake breakfasts, as part of the Canada Day festivities in Memorial Park. Pictured here from left are, Rob Gold, Darlene Tryon, Leo Kolodychuk, Tom Jacques, Mairi Robertson, Lilwen Kolodychuk, Gail Mulloy and Irene Johnston.

Kiwanis seeks new members

Serving the children of the world is the very worthy goal and current motto of Kiwanis.

Serving the children of the world is the very worthy goal and current motto of Kiwanis. Their work in action is very evident in our community.

Kiwanis has been here in Summerland since 1949,” said Tom Jacques, president of the club. “Kiwanis International turns 100 this year, as it was originally started in 1915.”

Jacques’ father was a Kiwanis member, and it was through his encouragement that Jacques himself joined the club.

I think it is a very worthwhile organization to join. We do a lot of good things in the community,” he said. “In Summerland we support SADI, Girl Guides, Air Cadets and the breakfast programs at Giant’s Head and the Middle schools. We try to divide it up so everyone gets a little piece of the pie.”

The local club’s vice president Leo Kolodychuk enjoys being involved in his community.

It’s a good service organization. We do community service,” he said. His wife Lilwen serves as the club’s secretary and she explained why they joined the organization.

When we moved to Summerland we wanted to meet people and we thought it would be a really good way to do that.” She also explained that because the two of them belong to the Baha’i community, and their beliefs are that service be a part of their lives, joining the Kiwanis was a way for them to serve.

As the club’s treasurer, Irene Johnston said she has learned a lot and still has more to learn. She added,

We’re a small group and we’d sure like to get some new members.”

The Kiwanis Club, like so many service organizations has seen their numbers dwindle as members have aged.

Most of us are fairly new,” explained Jacques. “A lot of the older ones are gone and we’ve been able to get some fresh young blood in here and it has revitalized the group a little bit.”

The Kiwanis in Summerland currently has 15 members. They welcome new members.

We’re always interested in people coming to join us, or even if people just want to come out and help us on occasion, we are happy to have them,” said Jacques.

The Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast in the park for Canada Day was Rob Gold’s first event and he said, “I’ve enjoyed working with them and I think I want to be a part of it.”

Another new member Mairi Robertson is proud to have a part in helping kids in the community and has found the members to be “a terrific group of people to work with.”

A Kiwanian since 2008, Darlene Tryon has seen a lot of people come and go.

We’ve gone through some pretty rocky times of not having people,” she explained. “Now we have this beautiful group who like to volunteer and want to work hard.”

The Kiwanis two main ways of raising funds in Summerland are through their pancake breakfasts and flea markets. They also get some gaming funds through B.C. Lotteries.

The Kiwanis Lodge, a 20 unit complex that offers subsidized housing for seniors is also owned and maintained by the club.

The membership meets twice per month and fellowship together is important to Kiwanians.

We usually have a meal together at the hall on meeting nights,” said Gail Mulloy. “We have speakers come in from the community. Some are looking for support and others are giving us information.”

Being a part of an organization that puts so much back into the community of Summerland is a very rewarding experience for Jacques himself.

I think that’s what keeps small communities together are the service organizations,” he said. “It’s nice to be a part of that.”

To find out more or to join the Kiwanis Club in Summerland, call 250-494-4339.










Summerland Review