Lawn bowlers to hit greens for 24 hours

Vernon Lawn Bowling Club’s resilient and hardy members are taking to the greens for a full 24 hours to raise money for a good cause.

  • Sep. 9, 2011 10:00 a.m.

Vernon Lawn Bowling Club’s resilient and hardy members are taking to the greens for a full 24 hours to raise  money for a good cause.

The 24-hour Bowl-A-Thon, scheduled to start Sept. 17,  is raising much needed funds for the local United Way for a second year in a row.

“Participants in the relay-style event are gathering pledges from their friends, family and community members for United Way,” said club spokesperson Jeremy Woo. “They then will partake in the event by taking two-hour shifts at all hours of the day and night, with all of the players collectively lawn bowling for 24 consecutive hours.”

Club members aged 15 to 86 who participated in last year’s Bowl-a-thon suffered harsh weather conditions, with downpours and cold temperature, however, they managed to have fun playing their sport, said Woo.

And although event organizers anticipated raising $600 at last year’s event, participants and their generous donors exceeded that total and raised well over $3,000 for Vernon’s local United Way chapter.

“We are looking to increase that total in this year’s Bowl-a-thon,” added Woo.

The public is encouraged to stop by to watch the lawn bowlers engage in exciting game play and to donate to this unique event, occurring at the Vernon Lawn Bowling Club in Polson Park.

The Second Annual 24-Hour Bowl-A-Thon begins at noon Saturday, Sept. 17 and wraps up at noon Sunday, Sept. 18.

Those wishing to  donate to the campaign, or who have any questions are welcome to email,  or phone 250-542-0212, or simply visit the club during the event.


Vernon Morning Star