Leave that fawn alone!


Baby deer and other wild animals should not be touched or moved.

Baby deer and other wild animals should not be touched or moved.

Ministry of Environment

They’re cute and defenceless – and they may look lonely – but baby deer and other wild animals should not be touched or moved.

Every year, well-intentioned people try to “rescue” fawns and other young ungulates mistakenly thought to be orphaned, but these interventions do more harm than good.

Mother deer, elk and other species may leave their young alone for long periods. To avoid attracting predators, a mother may only return a few times a day to nurse. When she does return, she can be expected to defend her baby from real or perceived threats – including nearby humans and their pets.

Remember: It’s typical for young ungulates to lie quietly in vegetation for hours at a time, especially in the first two weeks of their lives when they’re not strong enough to follow their mothers. Fawns are as small as a cat when born, and their camouflage and lack of scent hide them from potential predators.

Although these babies may look abandoned, they are not. However, if humans remove them from their rest spots, they can end up being orphaned.

If you see a baby deer, elk or moose, stay away. Keep your children and family pets away, too, because they could be injured. Their fawns and calves are helpless and their mothers protect them from real or imagined threats. This means humans of all ages and their pets within reach. Give them lots of room when you are nearby.

Quick Facts:

If you find a fawn that you think may be orphaned, these are things that you should do:

• If the fawn is lying quietly and appears uninjured, leave it alone. It is normal for a mother deer to leave her baby alone for periods of time. Remember that the mother deer will be wary of you and is likely watching you, so your presence in the area could discourage her from returning. Leave the area.

• Keep pets away from the area.

• If you think the fawn is not being cared for by its mother, return the next day to check on it. If it is in the exact same spot and bleating, it may be orphaned.

• If you do believe the fawn is orphaned, or if it is injured, contact the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277 or a wildlife rehabilitator as soon as possible, but do not touch or move the fawn. If you know the fawn is inured or orphaned (i.e., there is evidence the parent is dead) it will need prompt attention and you should make contact immediately.

• It is important to handle deer orphans carefully and minimize human contact in order to give them the best chance of surviving and returning to the wild.

Learn More at:

To find a wildlife rehabilitator near you, visit the Wildlife Rehabilitators Network of British Columbia at: http://www.wrn.bc.ca/find_a_wildlife_rehabilitator.htm



Barriere Star Journal