Maintaining your 2013 fitness resolutions

Columnist Bobbi Kittle offers help on how to overcome the February resolution blues.

We make them and we then we break them.

How is it that the resolutions we made in early January can be so quickly forgotten by February?

Here are a few ways to succeed in keeping your resolutions:

Find Your “why” to get motivated

Motivation is the driving force behind our habits.

Tap into yours and use it to form new, good habits.

Ask yourself  why is fitness important to you?

We all have different reasons and goals. Maybe you want to be able to keep up with your grandkids? Lose weight? Build strength to perform daily activities with ease?

The best way to attain those goals is to write out some small and realistic goal and once you have met a goal, set another one to keep the momentum going.

Use sticky notes in your home, car, office with personal motivational messages to keep you on track. Make it a habit to remind yourself of your health and fitness goals daily.

Form new habits

When resolving to form new habits, we must invest time our into.

If you want to be healthier, it’s essential to treat your body well.

Begin by moving more with exercise, but remeber to also eat nutritious food, sleep well and take care of yourself,.

This all takes time and commitment.

Expect setbacks

You may find that you temporarily fall back into some of those old eating habits or may have times when you can’t be as active as you would like.

Don’t beat yourself up. Change doesn’t come without setbacks. Expecting setbacks is realistic. Half the battle is in your mind.

Improve your self -talk and focus on being positive.

Don’t waste time making excuses or being discouraged, it makes it harder to get motivated again. Just get back on track with your healthy diet and exercise.

A few other tips to help you keep your resolutions:

Get your workout in first thing in the morning before your day gets too busy.

Find a workout partner for accountability.

Use a diet log and exercise journal.

Avoid fast food and  rid your pantry of junk food.

Deal with emotional eating by telling yourself that you are in control of your life and that food will not make it better.

Get around positive, supportive people who encourage you in being healthy.

Cut back on the amount of sugar and saturated fat in your diet.

Prepare your meals in advance and keeping healthy snacks on hand will be helpful in making wise food choices.

Eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day.

Drinking more water throughout the day will keep you hydrated and help with appetite control.

Focus on a balanced diet from all food groups for optimal nutrition.

Finally forget dieting and focus on changing your lifestyle.

And, as Thomas Jefferson said: “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

Bobbi Kittle is a senior’s fitness specialist in Kelowna.

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