Mural dedication The Faith Rebekah Lodge held a ceremony to dedicate the mural and the garden at the IOOF Hall on Main Street last week. From left are Dorothy Cole, Noble Grand of the Faith Rebekah Lodge; Jean Smith of Victoria, president of the Rebekah Assembly of B.C.; Rick Gay of the Summerland Ministerial Association; Barry Robinson of the Penticton 22 Royal Arch Masons; Helen Poncelet of the Community Cultural Development Committee; Greg Simpson of Chilliwack, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of B.C.; Sharon Stone of the Faith Rebekah Lodge and John Doucette of Summerland Masonic Lodge No. 56.

Mural dedication The Faith Rebekah Lodge held a ceremony to dedicate the mural and the garden at the IOOF Hall on Main Street last week. From left are Dorothy Cole, Noble Grand of the Faith Rebekah Lodge; Jean Smith of Victoria, president of the Rebekah Assembly of B.C.; Rick Gay of the Summerland Ministerial Association; Barry Robinson of the Penticton 22 Royal Arch Masons; Helen Poncelet of the Community Cultural Development Committee; Greg Simpson of Chilliwack, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of B.C.; Sharon Stone of the Faith Rebekah Lodge and John Doucette of Summerland Masonic Lodge No. 56.

Many contributed to historic mural

Mural depicting fur brigade trail dedicated in ceremony.

The mural on the wall of the IOOF Hall on Main Street came about with assistance from several individuals and organizations.

A dedication of the mural and the garden area at the hall was held last week.

The mural was painted last summer and early fall by Larry Hunter. The cost of the project was $10,000.

“All I had to do was find 100 friends with $100 each,” said Sharon Stone of the Faith Rebekah Lodge who organized the mural.

She said donations ranged from $10 to $2,500.

The Summerland Rebekahs and the provincial Grand Lodge of the Odd Fellows jointly own the hall and contributed $2,500 for the mural project.

The garden area behind the hall was created in 2005, in preparation for Summerland’s centennial in 2006.

Donna Lane provided landscape design for the garden and Gil Inglis, whose mother was an active Rebekah member, donated his time and equipment to bring the rocks and create the garden space.

In addition, the Community Cultural Development Committee was active in both projects.


Summerland Review