MCSA wants seniors’ opinions

The Mission Community Activity Centre, located at the corner of 10 Avenue and Taulbut Street, is the home of the Mission Seniors Activity Centre.

The Mission Community Activity Centre, located at the corner of 10 Avenue and Taulbut Street, is the home of the Mission Seniors Activity Centre.

The local seniors centre association has put out a survey to poll its members in advance of a meeting with the municipality later this month.

We’re aiming for between 50 and 100 completed forms, said Frank Sleigh, Mission Seniors Centre Association (MSCA) president.

There have been several surveys done over the years, but Sleigh noted it’s “important we update it periodically,” and that the District of Mission’s top planner, with whom the association is meeting May 25, wants the “most up to date information.”

As well, dozens of people cross the age boundary into senior territory each year and their perspective is valuable too, he continued.

The four-page document asks respondents their vision for a seniors centre, potential funding structures, interim options, and other questions.

Currently, the MSCA shares space with other community groups at the 10 Avenue and Taulbut Street facility, previously known as the Playstation.

There is work being done to secure a building exclusively for seniors, said Sleigh, however, “council is just being careful with public money.”

The president acknowledged some of its membership is more demanding and wants action now, but noted “it just takes time to get things going.”

The activity centre’s bills are covered by the municipality, and if seniors move into their own building, all the associated costs would follow.

“We would find ourselves in a fundraising morass,” Sleigh posited.

Surveys are available at the centre between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Some have also been dropped at Cedarbrooke Chateau and Carrington House. They must be completed and returned to the centre by May 16.


More members sought

The MSCA stands at approximately 60 members, but more seniors are welcome to join the fold.

The group regularly meets for activities and events each month, based out of the activity centre.

“It’s a really great way to get out of the house” and stay active physically and mentally, said Sleigh. Seniors take part in bingo, exercise classes, health and fitness talks are organized, and nearly any recreational program can be organized providing there are sufficient people registered.

If you are interested in joining, call 604-814-2188.

Mission City Record