Moger: Apply some tried and true weight-loss strategies

It’s common knowledge that exercise, in combination with a healthy eating plan, produces the best long-term weight loss results.

Being overweight and obese continues to be one of Canada’s leading public health concerns.

Within the last 30 years the prevalence of obesity has doubled among people aged 40 to 69.

Heart and stroke survey found that 62 per cent of Canadians reported intentionally losing five or more pounds over the past five years but failed to keep the weight off.

Of those, 70 per cent who were overweight or obese gained all or even more weight after their weight loss efforts.

Obviously, maintaining a healthy body weight is not an easy task for many.

Our body weight is an important part of overall health and affects how we look, feel and move.

As we age our metabolism slows, body fat increases and our body composition changes.

Being overweight contributes to many health risks including hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes from high blood sugar, and too much weight contributes to arthritis from stress on joints.

It’s common knowledge that exercise, in combination with a healthy eating plan, produces the best long-term weight loss results.

A good place to start is with our diet. There are 3,500 calorie in one pound.

If you can create a deficit of 500 calories per day—250 from exercise and 250 fewer calories in your diet (could be as simple as eliminating your dessert) you could be losing a pound a week.

Keeping a daily food journal is a very effective way of being aware of caloric intake and managing your eating habits.

Combing strength training and aerobic exercise has shown the best results and weight loss as you increase your metabolism and burn more fat while you rest.

The guidelines for cardiovascular exercise (walking, running, swimming, skiing etc.) are three to five times for a minimum of 30 minutes per week at a low to moderate level.

Resistance training should be done two to four times a week, resting one day between workouts. Start low and slow, and always listen to your body.

The mental aspect of exercise and diet is the first most important aspect of our battle for weight loss. We need to believe in ourselves and our ability to obtain our weight loss goals.

Here are some ways to use positive thinking for motivation:

Make it a habit to remind yourself of your health and fitness goals daily.

Deal with emotional eating by telling yourself that you are in control of your life and that food will not make it better

Take pictures or create a video diary of your fitness journey to witness the changes in your body and keep you motivated

Use post-it notes in your home, car, office with personal motivational messages to keep you on track throughout the day.

Get around positive, supportive people who encourage you in your weight loss journey.

Share your goal with supportive friends. It can help you stay on track and keep you accountable.

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

—Napoleon Hill

Nothing makes me happier than helping seniors achieve their fitness goals and improve their health.

Kelowna Capital News