Multi-faith Dinner-Devotional-Discussion at the ASA Drop-in Centre

Baha’i-sponsored event invites all to discuss materialism vs. spirituality

  • Feb. 12, 2013 4:00 p.m.

A multi-faith dinner will be held on Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. at the Abbotsford Senior’s Association Drop-in Centre on Cyril Street.

This program, which is Baha’i-sponsored, offers a free dinner to interested members of the public, with a devotional and an open discussion to follow – a wonderful learning and sharing opportunity.

Baha’is believe that all the major religions are linked as part of a single process of Divine Education for humanity – a progressive sequence of Revealed Guidance. Please feel free to join this respectful public program and dialogue on an issue vital to humanity’s progress.

Attendees are invited to share their personal prayer or reading. No collection will be taken.

Abbotsford News