My photography resolutions for 2014

making pictures with John Enman - My photography resolutions for 2014

Every year I write about my New Year’s resolutions. I’ll remind readers they aren’t only resolutions, but things I’d been thinking about for some time. This year, as last, I’ll also call them my photography goals as well as my New Year’s resolutions for the year to come.

This year I kept the number at six and mixed them into no real order. Too many goals don’t seem to work for me. However, I included five more I found on the Internet for new photographers.

My first resolution is an easy one that I recommend to all serious photographers. The resolution is to get together with other photographers. Collaborate with like-minded enthusiasts, plan an outing or just get together for refreshments and talk at some local spot.

My second resolution is to plan several photographer vacations this year.  I’ll be sure to make them about photography, not those rushing trips where one just grabs a picture now and then on a tiny point and shoot camera. These will be the kind of excursions that allow me look at the world in new ways and inspire me to use the equipment, knowledge, and talents I have.

My third resolution is to continue my ongoing, and seemly never-ending quest to organize my old photographic slides.  I make this resolution every year.

My fourth resolution is to upgrade my computer, well actually, to purchase a new computer. Gosh, I’d do almost anything to skip this one, but I suppose I must be resolute in this resolution.

My fifth resolution is to add a lens this year. Not that I really require anything, but there are a couple that are intriguing.  Nevertheless, because I prefer to purchase used equipment, I am always on the look out for bargains that fit the kind of photography I do.

My sixth resolution is to attend a photographic workshop. The subject doesn’t really matter; I always learn something whether it’s from the leader or from my classmates. I regularly buy books on different photographic subjects and I am an avid reader of many online bloggers and teachers, but the experience of being part of a class offers so much more.

I decided to search for other photographer’s New Year Resolutions and found a list by I changed their order and selected five that I think will benefit those readers new to this exciting medium in the year to come.

Their first New Year’s resolution is to, “Use filters”.

The second resolution, “Never use Auto mode”. I do like that, but I think I would change it to “learn when and where to use Auto modes”, because I look at cameras and their functions as multipurpose tools.

The third resolution, “Shoot more in RAW” surprises me. Not the resolution, but that any serious photographer, even a beginner, wouldn’t prefer RAW.

The fourth, “Take control of your flash” might just be my favourite resolution. Anyone familiar with my photography knows how much I like flash.

For the fifth and last resolution for 2014.  I’ll just smile and nod my head, “Stop the car”.

I am sure readers will make their own resolutions for the year we have just begun.

What could they be? I can only imagine.  Let me know.

I wish you and yours the best in the New Year.

Contact me at or or stop by Enman’s Camera at 423 Tranquille Road in Kamloops if you want an experienced photographer.  Call 250-371-3069.  I also sell an interesting selection of used photographic equipment.



Barriere Star Journal