New library will have elbow room

As we all know, life can seem to change quickly at times yet meander slowly along at others.

As we all know, life can seem to change quickly at times yet meander slowly along at others.

From childhood, we move to the challenges of adult life, starting a family, possibly owning a home and then transition back to perhaps a more simple lifestyle as we approach retirement and have ‘empty nests’ once again.

As we move through these phases, we all have a place we call home, be it a grand palace or a cozy cabin.

Springtime is a popular time for homeowners to feel the need to ‘grow’ their living space and consider home renovation, additions or moving to a larger (or smaller) home.  At different times in our lives, we decide we just need a little bit more ‘elbow room’.  Each spring at the library, the many homebuilding, renovation and redecoration resources see very heavy use as people research the new ways to improve or enlarge their homes.

For the past ten years or so, the community has felt the need for more space and opportunity at their library.  If you take a walk down Main Street, you will see the construction of our new library is well underway.  Under those long, orange, protective tarps, a myriad of electricians, plumbers, carpenters and heating technicians are busy at their work.

The Okanagan Regional Library made the decision in 2014 to build new branch that will be more than double the size of the current library. (The capital cost of building the new library is fully paid for and will be owned by the ORL).

Much as you would in your own home, the library underwent a lengthy planning process in preparation for building the new space.

The community was invited to participate in the planning session last June.

Many of the ideas, suggestions and concepts put forward by residents, civic leaders and library staff have been incorporated into the design of the building.

There will be ample space for adult and children’s collections and reading areas, quiet study rooms, meeting space and a multi-purpose room for programs and events. The new library will open later this summer.

As we work our way towards our gardens with the warmer weather, there might be a little less time for reading.  If you’re thinking a home renovation or addition is what your family needs, here are a few suggestions that might help get you started.

Right-Sizing Your Home, by Gale C. Steves, Creating the Not So Big House and Not So Big Solutions for your Home, by Sarah Susanka and the popular Tiny Homes, by Lloyd Kahn gives a wonderful look at the tiniest houses you could ever find.

You can also check out Fine Homebuilding, Canadian House and Home or Canada’s Style at Home magazines from the library for further ideas.

Happy planning!

Sue Kline is the Community Librarian at the Summerland Branch.  When she’s not at the library, she’s dreaming of renovation ideas at home.



Summerland Review